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Usability testing of Avoiding Diabetes Thru Action Plan Targeting (ADAPT) decision support for integrating care-based counseling of pre-diabetes in an electronic health record
Affiliation:1. School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada;2. Sierra Systems Group Inc., Health Practice and IT Consulting, Vancouver-Calgary-Toronto, Canada;3. Department of Medicine, Section of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA;1. Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, Child & Family Research Institute, 950 28th Ave W, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4, Canada;2. Bioinformatics Graduate Program, University of British Columbia, 2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada;3. School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Rd., Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada;4. Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, 2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada;1. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, United States;2. Harvard School of Dental Medicine, United States;3. University of California, San Francisco, United States;4. Harvard Medical School, United States;5. Tufts University, United States;6. Creighton University, United States;7. Academic Centre for Dentistry at Amsterdam (ACTA), United States;8. The New York Academy of Medicine, United States;1. Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa, University of Cape Town, South Africa;2. Centre for Online Health, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia;3. Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham & Women''s Hospital, Boston, USA;4. School of Public Health, University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa;5. Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa, Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa;1. Département d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Médecine Générale, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France;2. LabSTIC, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France;3. Département de Médecine Générale, Faculté de Médecine Lyon-Est, Université de Lyon 1, France;1. Department of Telematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, O.S. Bragstads plass 2a, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway;2. Norwegian Research Centre for Electronic Patient Records, Medical Technology Research Centre, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway;3. Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Sem Sælandsvei 7-9, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway;4. SINTEF Technology and Society, Department of Safety Research, PO Box 4760 Sluppen, 7465 Trondheim, Norway
Abstract:PurposeUsability testing can be used to evaluate human–computer interaction (HCI) and communication in shared decision making (SDM) for patient–provider behavioral change and behavioral contracting. Traditional evaluations of usability using scripted or mock patient scenarios with think-aloud protocol analysis provide a way to identify HCI issues. In this paper we describe the application of these methods in the evaluation of the Avoiding Diabetes Thru Action Plan Targeting (ADAPT) tool, and test the usability of the tool to support the ADAPT framework for integrated care counseling of pre-diabetes. The think-aloud protocol analysis typically does not provide an assessment of how patient–provider interactions are effected in “live” clinical workflow or whether a tool is successful. Therefore, “Near-live” clinical simulations involving applied simulation methods were used to compliment the think-aloud results. This complementary usability technique was used to test the end-user HCI and tool performance by more closely mimicking the clinical workflow and capturing interaction sequences along with assessing the functionality of computer module prototypes on clinician workflow. We expected this method to further complement and provide different usability findings as compared to think-aloud analysis. Together, this mixed method evaluation provided comprehensive and realistic feedback for iterative refinement of the ADAPT system prior to implementation.MethodsThe study employed two phases of testing of a new interactive ADAPT tool that embedded an evidence-based shared goal setting component into primary care workflow for dealing with pre-diabetes counseling within a commercial physician office electronic health record (EHR). Phase I applied usability testing that involved “think-aloud” protocol analysis of eight primary care providers interacting with several scripted clinical scenarios. Phase II used “near-live” clinical simulations of five providers interacting with standardized trained patient actors enacting the clinical scenario of counseling for pre-diabetes, each of whom had a pedometer that recorded the number of steps taken over a week. In both phases, all sessions were audio-taped and motion screen-capture software was activated for onscreen recordings. Transcripts were coded using iterative qualitative content analysis methods.ResultsIn Phase I, the impact of the components and layout of ADAPT on user's Navigation, Understandability, and Workflow were associated with the largest volume of negative comments (i.e. approximately 80% of end-user commentary), while Usability and Content of ADAPT were representative of more positive than negative user commentary. The heuristic category of Usability had a positive-to-negative comment ratio of 2.1, reflecting positive perception of the usability of the tool, its functionality, and overall co-productive utilization of ADAPT. However, there were mixed perceptions about content (i.e., how the information was displayed, organized and described in the tool).In Phase II, the duration of patient encounters was approximately 10 min with all of the Patient Instructions (prescriptions) and behavioral contracting being activated at the end of each visit. Upon activation, providers accepted the pathway prescribed by the tool 100% of the time and completed all the fields in the tool in the simulation cases. Only 14% of encounter time was spent using the functionality of the ADAPT tool in terms of keystrokes and entering relevant data. The rest of the time was spent on communication and dialog to populate the patient instructions. In all cases, the interaction sequence of reviewing and discussing exercise and diet of the patient was linked to the functionality of the ADAPT tool in terms of monitoring, response-efficacy, self-efficacy, and negotiation in the patient-provider dialog. There was a change from one-way dialog to two-way dialog and negotiation that ended in a behavioral contract. This change demonstrated the tool's sequence, which supported recording current exercise and diet followed by a diet and exercise goal setting procedure to reduce the risk of diabetes onset.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated that “think-aloud” protocol analysis with “near-live” clinical simulations provided a successful usability evaluation of a new primary care pre-diabetes shared goal setting tool. Each phase of the study provided complementary observations on problems with the new onscreen tool and was used to show the influence of the ADAPT framework on the usability, workflow integration, and communication between the patient and provider. The think-aloud tests with the provider showed the tool can be used according to the ADAPT framework (exercise-to-diet behavior change and tool utilization), while the clinical simulations revealed the ADAPT framework to realistically support patient-provider communication to obtain behavioral change contract. SDM interactions and mechanisms affecting protocol-based care can be more completely captured by combining “near-live” clinical simulations with traditional “think-aloud analysis” which augments clinician utilization. More analysis is required to verify if the rich communication actions found in Phase II compliment clinical workflows.
Keywords:Usability  Protocol-based care  Electronic health records  Clinical simulations  Behavioral change  Behavioral contracting  Patient counseling
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