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引用本文:闻剑,杨晓东,尼珍,胡曙光,苏祖俭,黄伟雄,曹艳娥. 西藏林芝地区野生食用菌重金属污染状况调查及其暴露评估[J]. 中国热带医学, 2018, 18(9): 881-883. DOI: 10.13604/j.cnki.46-1064/r.2018.09.06
作者姓名:闻剑  杨晓东  尼珍  胡曙光  苏祖俭  黄伟雄  曹艳娥
作者单位:1.广东省疾病预防控制中心,广东 广州 511430;2.林芝市疾病预防控制中心,西藏 林芝 860000
摘    要:
目的 了解西藏林芝地区野生食用菌中重金属的污染状况及对人群健康的危害评估。方法 通过对林芝地区常见野生食用菌中4种重金属的含量检测,参考2009—2012年广东省居民营养调查的消费量数据和FAO/WHO推荐的暂定每周耐受量(PTWI),评估食用菌中重金属污染对人群健康暴露影响。结果 西藏林芝地区野生食用菌中铅、镉、汞、砷的平均含量分别为0.11 mg/kg、0.08 mg/kg、0.05 mg/kg、0.16 mg/kg,均低于国家标准限量值。部分样品的镉、汞和砷含量超标,超标率分别为4.4%、4.9%和6.4%。通过暴露评估,居民食用野生食用菌中铅、镉、汞、砷的平均暴露量分别占PTWI 的51.14%、37.20%、145.30%和123.99%。对于高消费人群(P97.5),其铅、镉、汞、砷的平均暴露量分别占PTWI 的165.04%、110.2%、392.25%和526.93%,对人群健康存在一定的暴露风险,应引起重视。结论 林芝地区野生食用菌对于高消费人群,存在一定的健康风险。当居民每日野生食用菌消费量低于7.4 g时,风险在可接受范围内。

关 键 词:食用菌  重金属          风险评估  

Survey of heavy metal pollution and potential risks to human health of wild edible mushrooms in Linzhi Prefecture of Tibet
WEN Jian,YANG Xiaodong,NI Zhen,HU Shuguang,SU Zujian,HUANG Weixiong,CAO Yan,#x,e. Survey of heavy metal pollution and potential risks to human health of wild edible mushrooms in Linzhi Prefecture of Tibet[J]. China Tropical Medicine, 2018, 18(9): 881-883. DOI: 10.13604/j.cnki.46-1064/r.2018.09.06
Authors:WEN Jian  YANG Xiaodong  NI Zhen  HU Shuguang  SU Zujian  HUANG Weixiong  CAO Yan&#x  e
Affiliation:1. Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou, Guangdong 511430, China
Objective To know the heavy metal pollution and potential risks to human health of wild edible mushrooms in Linzhi Prefecture of Tibet. Methods The pollution degrees of heavy metals including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As) were detected in 204 wild edible mushroom samples in Linzhi Prefecture. According to the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) and nutrition survey from Guangdong Province, 2009-2012, the health risks for heavy metals in mushrooms were assessed. Results The average contents of Pb, Cd, Hg and As in the mushroom samples were 0.11 mg/kg, 0.08 mg/kg, 0.05mg/kg and 0.16mg/kg, respectively. The average levels of the four heavy metals were less than those of the national standard. However, the Cd, Hg and As contents of some samples were higher than those of the national standard. The over-standard rates of Cd, Hg and As were 4.4%, 4.9%, and 6.4%, respectively. The average exposure ratios were 51.14%, 37.20%, 145.3% and 123.99% of PTWI respectively. However, for the highest consumer, the exposures were exceeding to the safety levels. Conclusion Overall, when the consumption of wild edible mushrooms is less than 7.4 g every day, the risk is in tolerance interval.
Keywords:edible mushroom  heavy metal  lead (Pb)  cadmium (Cd)  mercury (Hg)  arsenic (As)  risk assessment  
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