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Expression of alpha-defensin-1 in chronic hyperplastic candidosis
Authors:Ahmed Ali,Sirkku Niissalo,Jarkko Hietanen,Mikael Laine,Riina Rautemaa,Yrjö   Konttinen
Affiliation:Department of Anatomy/Biomedicum, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Chronic hyperplastic candidosis (CHC) represents a chronic opportunistic candida infection. We clarified the presence, localization and participation of alpha-defensin-1 in host response against chronic candidal stimulus. METHODS: Immunohistochemically stained CHC biopsies (n = 10) were compared to candida negative idiopathic leukoplakia (n = 10). RESULTS: In CHC alpha-defensin-1 was detected in neutrophils intravascularly, in lamina propria and in the epithelium, in part in intraepithelial microabscesses. Staining intensity of individual neutrophils varied and was associated with peri- and extracellular staining, in particular in the superficial epithelial cell layers. In controls only very few homogeneously staining neutrophils were detected intravascularly without any extracellular alpha-defensin-1 deposition. CONCLUSIONS: Neutrophils form microabscesses and respond to Candida by activation and release of alpha-defensin-1 to peri- and extracellular matrix. This together with the epithelial cell migration from the basal layer to epithelial surface leads to alpha-defensin-1 rich protective shield in the most superficial epithelial cell layers.
Keywords:α-defensin-1    candida    neutrophil
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