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引用本文:张维森,江朝强,Lam TH,刘薇薇,Ho SY,何健民,曹民,陈清. 广州厂企职工血压水平与心脑血管疾病死亡的关系[J]. 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志, 2003, 21(1): 33-36
作者姓名:张维森  江朝强  Lam TH  刘薇薇  Ho SY  何健民  曹民  陈清
作者单位:1. 510620,广州市职业病防治院
2. 香港大学社会医学系
3. 第一军医大学
基金项目:本研究为广东省卫生厅"五个一"科教兴医工程重点研究项目和广州市科委重点研究项目(96-Z-65)系列文章之一,广东省卫生厅、广州市科委、香港研究资助局(RGC,HKU 466/96M)、香港健康服务研究委员会(HSRC,531036)提供资助;英国牛津大学资助本研究预试验
摘    要:
目的分析工人高血压与心脑血管疾病(CVD)死亡的相对危险度(RR),探讨减少工人CVD死亡危险性的预防办法.方法由广州399家工厂年龄35岁或以上的78 379名工人组成队列,进行前瞻性研究.资料处理采用分层和多因素调整统计分析方法(Cox模型).结果(1)队列中男48 705名、女29 674名,追踪8.0年,CVD死亡363人,男305人、女58人,粗死亡率分别为78.58/10万人年和24.55/10万人年,主要死于脑卒中、冠心病和高血压.(2)与理想或正常血压比,高血压CVD死亡的RR(95%)分别为男6.19(4.85~7.91)、女2.78(1.59~4.85);男性工人基线无患病者和非CVD患者Ⅰ级高血压CVD死亡的RR和CVD患者Ⅱ级高血压CVD死亡的RR明显增加,分别为3.98、3.25和3.15,理想或正常血压与Ⅰ级高血压和Ⅱ级高血压CVD死亡的RR增加趋势差异有显著性(P<0.01).(3)按年龄、吸烟、饮酒、文化程度和职业接触有害因素分层后,年轻、吸烟、不饮酒、文化程度较高者以及职业接触有害因素者的高血压患者CVD死亡RR较高.结论血压水平与心脑血管疾病死亡率呈连续性相关,高血压对CVD死亡的影响在较年轻时已经出现;应采用综合预防办法减少CVD死亡危险性.

关 键 词:职工 血压 心脑血管疾病 死亡 高血压 前瞻性研究

A cohort study on the relationship between blood pressure levels and the mortality of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases in Guangzhou workers
Lam TH,Ho SY. A cohort study on the relationship between blood pressure levels and the mortality of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases in Guangzhou workers[J]. Chinese journal of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases, 2003, 21(1): 33-36
Authors:Lam TH  Ho SY
Affiliation:Guangzhou Occupational Diseases Prevention and Treatment Center, Guangzhou 510620, China.
OBJECTIVE: To study the relative risk (RR) of mortalities of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Guangzhou workers with hypertension. METHOD: Prospective cohort study was conducted in 78,379 workers, aged >or= 35, from 399 factories. Cox regression model were mainly used for data analysis. RESULTS: (1) There were 48,705 male and 29,674 female workers in the cohort. All workers were followed-up for 8 years. 363 CVD deaths (male 305, female 58) mainly died of stroke, coronary heart disease and hypertension. The crude mortalities were 78.58/100,000 person years in male and 24.55/100,000 person years in female. (2) Compared with the optimal or normal blood pressure (ONBP), the RR (95%) of CVD deaths with high blood pressure (HBP) were 6.19 (4.85 - 7.91) in male and 2.78 (1.59 - 4.85) in female. In male, compared with ONBP, the RR of CVD deaths without illness but with 1st-grade HBP at baseline, and of those suffered non-CVD but with 1st-grade HBP at baseline, and of those suffered CVD with 2nd-grade HBP at baseline were 3.98, 3.25 and 3.15 respectively (P < 0.01). (3) After stratifying of age, smoking, drinking, educational levels and occupational exposure, the RR of CVD deaths was higher in those who were younger, or ever-smoking, non-drinking, higher educational level, exposed to occupational hazards and with hypertension. CONCLUSION: There is relationship between BP levels and CVD mortality. High BP may affect CVD deaths at younger age. Comprehensive measures should be used to reduce the risk of CVD deaths.
Keywords:Hypertension  Cardiovascular diseases  Relative risk  Prospective studies
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