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引用本文:胥荣东,李辉. "凡将用针,必先诊脉"释义[J]. 针灸临床杂志, 2006, 22(9): 1-4
作者姓名:胥荣东  李辉
摘    要:<灵枢·九针十二原>中的"凡将用针,必先诊脉"是针刺的基本原则之一,许多篇章的语义都可按此原则去理解.但遗憾的是,后世医家未能理解"凡将用针,必先诊脉"的深刻含义,将<素问·长刺节论>中的"刺家不诊,听病者言"错误的理解成"刺家不必诊脉,但听病者言",将<灵枢·九针十二原>中本来描述脉象的"徐而疾则实,疾而徐则虚"理解成针刺手法,同时还将本来描述脉象改善的"气至"理解成"针下气至"等等.

关 键 词:诊脉  气至  针感  徐疾  补泻

The paraphase of "Fan jiang yong zhen, bi xian zhen mai"
XU Rong-dong,LI Hui. The paraphase of "Fan jiang yong zhen, bi xian zhen mai"[J]. Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 2006, 22(9): 1-4
Authors:XU Rong-dong  LI Hui
Abstract:"Fan jian yong zhen,bi xian zhen mai" is one of the basic principles in acupuncutre,which is from."The nine kind of needle and the twelve source points-spiritual pivot".And many sections and chapters could be understood in 'Nei Jing' just following it.But it is a pity that it was not understood directy by the doctors subsequent.They always misunderstood about sentences like this.'Ci jia bu zhen,ting bing zhe yan' in 'Changcl jie lun-plain queetions'was misunderstood as 'the acupuncture don't have to examine the pulse,instead,only to listen to the patient'.'Swfting after slow to invigorate and slowing after swift is to purge',which in fact is referring to the change of pulse,was interpreted wrongly the original idea instead of the acupuncture technique 'Qizhi' is referring to the changing of pulse was even misunderstood the needling sensation
Keywords:examine the pulse  Qizhi  needling sensation  slow and swift invigorate  purge
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