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摘    要:
目的:探讨电针对局灶性脑缺血再灌注大鼠大脑皮层组织的神经保护作用。方法:将SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组、电针组,每组各5只。采用改良Longa线栓大脑中动脉法复制局灶性脑缺血再灌注模型。电针组取穴"百会"及"大椎",采用疏密波刺激30 min,电流强度1~3 mA,频率20 Hz/80 Hz,疏、密波交替时间各为1.5 s。用透射电子显微镜观察受损局灶大脑皮层锥体细胞、星形胶质细胞及血脑屏障等超微结构。结果:假手术组大鼠大脑皮层超微结构未见病理改变;而模型组大鼠脑组织神经元细胞结构严重破坏,线粒体肿胀,嵴断裂,毛细血管内皮肿胀,管腔挛缩,甚至闭塞,胶质细胞足突肿胀;经电针处理后脑组织超微结构损伤变小或基本正常,受损局灶神经元病理结构得到改善。结论:电针通过影响缺血再灌注局灶的神经元超微结构从而改善了缺血病灶区域的能量供应及代谢功能,发挥了对神经功能的保护作用。

关 键 词:脑缺血再灌注  电针  大脑超微结构  大脑皮层神经元

Effect of Electroacupuncture on Cerebral Cortex Ultrastructure in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury
Objective To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) of "Baihui" (GV 20) and "Dazhui" (GV 14) on the ultrastructure of cerebral cortex in rats with cerebral ischemia reperfusion (CI/R) injury. Methods Fifteen SD rats were e-qually randomized into sham-operation (sham), model and EA groups. CI/R model was established by right middle cerebral artery occlusion for 1 h and reperfusion for 24 h. EA (20 Hz/80 Hz, 1-3 mA) was applied to "Baihui" (GV 20) and "Dazhui" (GV .14) for 30 min. The ischemic cerebral cortex tissue was taken, fixed in 2. 5% glutaral solution, embedded in araldite, cut into sections and stained for observing the ultrastructure changes of cortical pyramidal cells, astrocyte and blood brain barrier (BBB) under transmission electronic microscope. Results In sham group, the anatomical structure of the cerebral pyramidal cells was normal basically. In model group, the neuronal mitochondria and the capillary endothelium and the processes of the astrocyte got swelling, the mitochondrial cristae were broken, the capillary lumens became narrow or were blocked up. In EA group, the injury degree of the pyramidal cells, glial cells and BBB were lighter. Conclusion EA can reduce ischemic injury of the cerebral cortical neurons and blood brain barrier in rats with CI/R injury.
Keywords:Cerebral ischemia-reperfusion  Electroacupuncture  Cerebral ultrastructure  Cerebral cortical neurons
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