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Relationship between plasma ammonia and blood lactate concentrations after maximal treadmill exercise in circumpubertal girls and boys
Authors:K. Nazar  B. Dobrzyński  R. Lewicki
Affiliation:(1) Department of Applied Physiology, Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, 17 Jazgarzewska Str., 00-730 Warsaw, Poland;(2) Institute of Sport, Warsaw, Poland;(3) Department of Sports Medicine, Military School of Medicine, "Lstrok"ód"zacute", Poland
Abstract:Summary The purpose of the study was to define a relationship between plasma ammonia [NH3]p1 and blood lactate concentrations [1a]b after exercise in children and to find out whether the [NH3]p1, determined during laboratory treadmill tests, may be useful as a predictor of the children's sprint running ability. A group of 20 girls and 14 boys trained in athletics or swimming and 8 untrained boys, aged 13.2 to 13.7 years, participated in the study. Their [NH3]p1 and [1a]b were measured before and after incremental maximal treadmill exercise. In addition, the subjects' running performance was tested in 30-, 60- and 600- or 1000-m runs under field conditions. The [NH3]p1 during the treadmill runs increased by 20.1 (SD 17.3), 24 (SD 16.7) and 10 (SD 4.3) mgrmol·1–1 in the girls, the trained boys and the untrained boys, respectively. The postexercise [NH3]p1 correlated positively with [1a]b (r=0.565 in the girls and 0.812 in the boys) and treadmill speed attained during the test (r=0.489 in the girls and 0.490 in the boys). Significant correlations were also found between [NH3]p1 obtained during the treadmill test and the times of 30- and 60-m runs (r= –0.676 and –0.648, respectively) in the boys but not in the girls. A comparison of the present data with those reported previously in adults showed that increases in [NH3]p1 during maximal exercise in children would seem to be lower than in adult subjects both in absolute values and in relation to [1a]b. The present data would also suggest that [NH3]p1 reflects involvement of anaerobic processes during maximal treadmill exercise in circumpubertal children but it has a small practical value for predictiton of their sprint running ability.
Keywords:Children  Exercise  Ammonia  Lactate  Running performance
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