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Responses of long descending propriospinal neurons to natural and electrical types of stimuli in cat
Authors:R.D. Skinner   R.J. Adams  R.S. Remmel
Long descending propriospinal (LDP) neurons (antidromically identified) having cell bodies of origin in the cervical enlargement and projecting axons at least as far as the L2 segment were studied. Extracellular recording of responses to natural and electrical stimuli was done in high-spinal cats.
(1) A receptive field for natural stimuli was found for 123 LDP neurons. An additional 108 LDP cells were not activated by the natural stimuli used, but some of these fired spike potentials in response to electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves of the forelimb. There was no distinction between neurons activated and those not activated by natural stimuli on the basis of location or conduction velocity.
(2) The most effective natural stimuli were mechanical manipulation of the skin (both low and high threshold), movement of joints of the paw, and pressure to the deep tissues, especially to the extensor side of the arm. These modalities of stimuli were most often excitatory, but could be inhibitory as well.
(3) On the basis of modality, 4 subgroups of LDP cells were identified: those which were responsive only to mechanical-cutaneous, joint-movement, or deep-pressure stimuli, and those which responded to several of these modalities of stimuli, the multimodal group. These subgroups could not be distinguished on the basis of conduction velocity.
(4) The receptive fields varied in size from small (one digit) to large (all of a forelimb). For single LDP cells they included ones with single and/or multimodal input from one or both forelimbs and various combinations of excitation and/or inhibition. However, those in the dorsal horn had only ipsilateral receptive fields, mainly of the mechanical-cutaneous type. Cells with bilateral receptive fields were mainly located medially in the ventral gray in laminae VII and VIII.
(5) A comparison of the location of the subtypes of LDP cells revealed that neurons activated by mechanical-cutaneous stimuli were in laminae I and IV–VIII; whereas deep-pressure and multimodal activated neurons were almost exclusively in laminae VII and VIII.
(6) LDP cells receiving input from deep-pressure receptors in the extensor muscles of the arm, joint-movement, or deep-pressure receptors of the paw probably relay position or weight-bearing information about the forelimbs to the lumbosacral spinal cord. This arrangement suggests that LDP neurons function in interlimb coordination and would be active during locomotion. They probably participate also in other reflexes elicited by cutaneous and deep stimuli.
Keywords: propriospinal neurons; spinal cord; natural stimulation
Keywords:propriospinal neurons   spinal cord   natural stimulation
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