摘 要: | 被誉为全美最聪明的正畸研究型专家,曾任美国凯斯西储大学、圣路易斯大学、密歇根大学正畸科主任的Lysle Johnston教授在3月初受邀访问北京大学口腔医院正畸科,给北大师生进行了4场精彩的讲演,其中关于正畸与TMD关系的讲座尤其令大家印象深刻与意犹未尽.Johnston教授主动提出愿以访谈形式将他的研究结果和相关观点整理成文,以飨读者.Q:Recently,in China there has arisen an enthusiastic trend of addressing Orthodontic problems from the Gnathological point of view.Related theory and technique have been touted to be advanced and innovative in Orthodontics.The advocates claim that orthodontic treatment planning and execution must be done based on CR position,which could only be located by the use of certain kind of articulator and splint.Otherwise the treatment result would not be stable and TMD-related pain would arise later due to the wrong position of condyle.Is there a same trend in USA? What is your opinion on this issue?