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A severe and consistent deficit in marrow and circulating primitive hematopoietic cells (long-term culture-initiating cells) in acquired aplastic anemia
Authors:Maciejewski, JP   Selleri, C   Sato, T   Anderson, S   Young, NS
Abstract:We examined the stem cell compartment of patients with acquired aplastic anemia (AA) using the long-term culture-initiating cell assay (LTC-IC), in parallel with measurements of CD34+ cells and mature hematopoietic progenitors. Secondary colonies from cells surviving 5 weeks of long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC) were determined for the peripheral blood (PB) of 68 AA patients and 13 normal controls and for BM of 49 AA patients and 14 controls; because of low cell numbers, formal limiting dilution analysis could only be performed in 10 patients. The relationship of cell input in LTBMC and the output of secondary colonies was linear, allowing quantification of LTC-IC number from bulk cultures. Secondary colony formation was markedly abnormal in severe AA. In contrast to 7.8 colony-forming cells (CFC)/10(5) mononuclear cells in normal BM and 0.14 CFC/10(5) normal PB mononuclear cells, patients with severe disease showed 0.024 CFC/10(5) in BM and 0.0068 CFC/10(5) in PB. Under limiting dilution conditions, patients' cells also showed markedly lower colony-forming ability. In contrast to 4.3 +/- 1 colonies/normal LTC-IC, we obtained only 1.27 +/- 0.09 and 2.0 +/- 0.35 colonies from BM of acute and recovered cases, respectively. These values were used to extrapolate LTC-IC numbers from secondary colony formation in suspension cultures. In PB, calculated LTC-IC were decreased 7.4-fold in new and relapsed severe AA and 2.8- fold in recovered AA. In BM, LTC-IC were decreased 10-fold in new and relapsed AA and sixfold in recovered cases. Compared with measurements obtained on presentation, LTC-IC were lower in post-treatment samples from patients who had failed to recover after intensive immunosuppression and relatively higher in cases at relapse. In recovered patients, LTC-IC number increased but remained below the normal range in 20 of 25. In patients studied serially for 3 to 12 months after treatment, LTC-IC numbers remained stable but low. LTC-IC number correlated with concurrently determined CD34+ cell number and primary hematopoietic colony formation. These results indicate that stem cell numbers, as quantitated by the LTC-IC assay, are markedly diminished in number in all severe AA. Additionally, the function of the stem cell or the stem cell compartment in AA is also abnormal, as inferred from the low clonogenic potential in secondary colony assays. Early hematologic improvement in some patients occurs without increasing numbers of LTC-IC, and a minority of recovered cases show apparent repopulation of the LTC-IC compartment years after treatment.
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