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Modelling of the Flow in the Process of Washing Out Automotive Catalyst Carriers with the PbLi Alloy
Authors:Mariola Saternus,Agnieszka Fornalczyk,Wł  adysł  aw Gą  sior,Adam Dę  bski,Sylwia Terlicka,Sł  awomir Golak,Piotr Ciepliń  ski
Affiliation:1.Faculty of Materials Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland; (A.F.); (S.G.); (P.C.);2.Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Reymonta 25, 30-059 Kraków, Poland; (W.G.); (A.D.); (S.T.)
Abstract:The process of platinum recovery from used car catalysts is highly desirable for both economic and environmental reasons. From the many available methods of processing used car catalysts, the article conducted both numerical and experimental studies using a device based on the collector metal method with lead as a modified medium through a magnetohydrodynamic pump for washing platinum from the channels of the ceramic catalyst carrier. It was assumed that lead alloys with the addition of lithium increase the extraction of platinum from thin catalytic layers and accelerate the platinum dissolution reaction in the Pb-Li alloy, which is the result of a greater affinity of lithium for platinum compared to lead. This assumption was verified by numerical simulations as well as laboratory tests. Tests were carried out for the secondary supply voltage range between 40 and 60 V and the catalyst flushing time between 240 and 480 s. Graphical results of the research were discussed.
Keywords:wettability   PbLi   catalytic converters   platinum recovery
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