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Preferential expansion of Ly-1 B and CD4 CD8 T cells in the polyclonal lymphocyte responses to murine T.cruzi infection
Authors:Minoprio, P.   Bandeira, A.   Pereira, P.   Santos, T. Mota   Coutinho, A.
Affiliation:Department of Immunology, Pasteur Insitute Paris, France
Acute murine infection with T.cruzi results in polyclonal lymphocyteresponses manifested by blast transformation of a large fractionof B, CD4+, and CD8+ cells. We describe here the finding ofsignificant increases in the splenic representation of minorpopulations, Ly-1+ B cells and CD4-CD8- T cells. These lymphocytepopulations might play an important role in the host response,as shown by T.cruzi infection of hosts that had been lethallyirradiated and reconstituted with autologous bone marrow. Underthese conditions, the splenic polyclonal PFC responses are nearlyabrogated, and not restored by the transfer of syngeneic peritonealcells which, however, reconstitute T15 idiotype production inthe same hosts. Control levels of PFC responses, however, arereconstituted by transfer of syngeneic splenic T cells. Sincebone marrow-reconstituted animals contain normal numbers ofCD4+ and CD8+ T cells which are actually activated by infection,these results suggest the participation of other T cell populationsin the host response to infection, as also suggested by themarked increases in T cell receptor {gamma} and {delta} messages detectedin the spleen of infected animals. The implications of thesefindings in immunopathology of Chagas' disease are discussed.
Keywords:Trypanosoma cruzi   double negative T cells   Ly1 B cells   polyclonal B cell activation
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