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引用本文:陈琦,梁小冬,朱克京,吴少芳. 珠海市青少年吸烟行为现况调查及影响因素分析[J]. 实用预防医学, 2005, 12(3): 522-524
作者姓名:陈琦  梁小冬  朱克京  吴少芳
摘    要:
目的 为了了解珠海市青少年吸烟行为及其影响因素,为制定有效的控烟措施提供科学依据。方法 采取多阶段分层整群抽样法,采用WHO/中国卫生部提供的“全球青少年烟草调查(GYTS)中国问卷”,对全市25所中学,初二至高一的47个班,2480名学生进行问卷调查。结果 尝度过吸烟(包括只吸一口)的学生占294%,其中男生为42.0%,女生为14.6%,两者有显著性差异,吸烟的学生中62.9%的香烟来自于商店或烟摊,84,9%的学生能从商店或烟摊能买到香烟,父母都吸烟或其中一人吸烟的高达65.5%,44.5%的学生认为学校没有组织过控烟活动,96.2%的学生对吸烟有害健康有正确的认识,但呈现出知识、信念、行为的分离:结论 珠海市青少年尝试吸烟现象较为普遍,父母、同伴吸烟对学生吸烟行为产生严重影响,应在家庭、学校、社区形成良好的控烟环境,加强青少年控烟能力的建设,严禁向未成年人销售香烟。

关 键 词:青少年 吸烟 现况调查

Analysis on Current Smoking Behavior and Its Influencing Factors among Adolescents of Zhuhai City
CHEN Qi, LIANG Xiao- dong, ZHU Ke- jing,et al.. Analysis on Current Smoking Behavior and Its Influencing Factors among Adolescents of Zhuhai City[J]. Practical Preventive Medicine, 2005, 12(3): 522-524
Authors:CHEN Qi   LIANG Xiao- dong   ZHU Ke- jing  et al.
Affiliation:Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Zhuhai City, Zhuhai 519000, Guangdong
Objective To explore the smoking behavior and its influencing factors among adolescents of Zhuhai City, providing scientific basis for setting up effective smoking-prevention measures. Method A sample survey based on (stratified) probability samples of 2 480 junior and high school students in Zhuhai City was conducted. Results The results revealed that 29.4% of surveyed respondents, 42.0% of males, 14.6% of females, reported having ever tried smoking. The gender difference was statistically significant. These smokers 62.9% can buy cigarettes from store or floating sales; 84.9% of the students admitted that they can buy cigarettes from store of floating sales easy; 65.5% of these responders declared that both of the parents or one of their parents were smoking; 44.5% of the students responded that their school had never conducted any smoking control activities. The results also showed that 96.2% of the students had a correct understanding on the harmful effects of smoking, compared to the high rate of their smoking behavior, we can find that their knowledge, concepts and behavior were separated. Conclusion Adolescents attempting smoking is common, parents' and peer's smoking behavior have a strong influence on their smoking behavior. Improve their abilities to resist to smoking and create tobacco-free environment in families, schools, communities to prevent the adolescents from smoking is important, and selling cigarettes to adolescents should be forbidden.
Keywords:Adolescent   Smoking   Prevalence survey
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