Abstract: | The unfavorable cervix remains a major obstacle to the successful induction of labor. Reported are results from an ongoing study of topical prostaglandin preparations used to effect preinduction cervical ripening. The current study compares the efficacy of 40 mg of prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha versus 5 mg of PGE2, applied to the cervix in a methyltylose gel the night before attempted induction of labor. A prospective double-blind protocol was used similar to that which previously established the efficacy of the 5 mg of PGE2 preparation versus placebo at this institution. Results indicate the superiority of the PGE2 preparation as measured by change in Bishop score, Pitocin requirement, rate of cervical dilatation, and percentage of failed inductions. Cesarean section rates were similar in the two study groups, and no fetal or maternal morbidity was attributable to the preinduction ripening technique. |