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An immunohistochemical and pathway tracing study of the striatopallidal organization of area X in the male zebra finch
Authors:Reiner Anton  Laverghetta Antonio V  Meade Christopher A  Cuthbertson Sherry L  Bottjer Sarah W
Affiliation:Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee 38163, USA. areiner@utmem.edu
Abstract:Area X is a nucleus within songbird basal ganglia that is part of the anterior forebrain song learning circuit. It receives cortical song-related input and projects to the dorsolateral medial nucleus of thalamus (DLM). We carried out single- and double-labeled immunohistochemical and pathway tracing studies in male zebra finch to characterize the cellular organization and circuitry of area X. We found that 5.4% of area X neuronal perikarya are relatively large, possess aspiny dendrites, and are rich in the pallidal neuron/striatal interneuron marker Lys8-Asn9-neurotensin8-13 (LANT6). Many of these perikarya were found to project to the DLM, and their traits suggest that they are pallidal. Area X also contained several neuron types characteristic of the striatum, including interneurons co-containing LANT6 and the striatal interneuron marker parvalbumin (2% of area X neurons), interneurons containing parvalbumin but not LANT6 (4.8%), cholinergic interneurons (1.4%), and neurons containing the striatal spiny projection neuron marker dopamine- and adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) (30%). Area X was rich in substance P (SP)-containing terminals, and many ended on area X neurons projecting to the DLM with the woolly fiber morphology characteristic of striatopallidal terminals. Although SP+ perikarya were not detected in area X, prior studies suggest it is likely that SP-synthesizing neurons are present and the source of the SP+ input to area X neurons projecting to the DLM. Area X was poor in enkephalinergic fibers and perikarya. The present data support the premise that area X contains both striatal and pallidal neurons, with the striatal neurons likely to include SP+ neurons that project to the pallidal neurons.
Keywords:striatum  pallidum  songbird  basal ganglia  song learning  motor learning
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