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引用本文:陈定根,宋锦璘,明志强,邓锋,杜跃华,宁义志. 网络化口腔正畸电子病历管理系统的研制与应用[J]. 重庆医学, 2007, 36(4): 293-294,297
作者姓名:陈定根  宋锦璘  明志强  邓锋  杜跃华  宁义志
作者单位:1. 川北医学院附属口腔科,637000
2. 重庆医科大学附属口腔医院正畸科,400015
摘    要:目的 基于口腔专科医院信息化建设需要,结合新一代口腔医院信息管理系统的开发,研制网络化口腔正畸电子病历管理系统,实现口腔正畸病历的信息化管理.方法 在新一代口腔专科医院信息化管理系统上,采用面向对象技术,在Windows 98/2000/XP平台上用C#语言,应用计算机网络技术、数据库技术及IC卡技术开发出面向正畸医师的电子病历网络管理系统.结果 经过初步临床实践,该系统功能强大,具有快捷、准确、全面的采集资料和强大的资料编辑、存贮、统计、查询、管理功能,为口腔正畸临床工作者提供了一种计算机化的崭新的病案管理模式,提高了口腔正畸专科医疗质量和医疗效率.结论 该系统的临床应用为正畸病历资料的信息化管理提供了可靠、有效的信息化平台,能够满足现有临床需要,并为正畸临床教学、科研创造了良好的条件.

关 键 词:正畸  电子病历  网络系统  管理

Study and application of orthodontic computerized medical record network management system
CHEN Ding-gen, SONG J in-lin , MI NG Zhi-qiang ,et al.. Study and application of orthodontic computerized medical record network management system[J]. Chongqing Medical Journal, 2007, 36(4): 293-294,297
Authors:CHEN Ding-gen   SONG J in-lin    MI NG Zhi-qiang   et al.
Affiliation:Deptartment of Orthodontics, Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing University of Medical Sciences,Chongqing 400015 ,China
Abstract:Objective With the development of hospital information construction, to combine the new generatton of hospital information management system and to develop a system of clinical orthodontic computerized medical record network management system. Methods Based on the new generation hospital information management system , using the object-oriented technology, the system program was written with C^# based on Windows 98/2000/XP. The orthodontic computerized medical record network man- agement system was established by techniques of network, database, interchange card. Results Via clinical practice and applica- tion, the computer system developed in the orthodontic clinical has various clinical advantages. This system improves highly the ef- ficiency and accuracy of clinical diagnosis and case history management, and the result evaluation etc and can improve the medical efficiency and quality. Conclusion The orthodontic computerize medical record network management system would supply a valuable computerized management tool for orthodontic medical record, and would establish a satisfactory environment for clinical teaching and scientific research.
Keywords:orthodontics   computerized medical record   network   management
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