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引用本文:毛国华,杨天池,王海波,许国章. 2004-2011年浙江省宁波市学校突发公共卫生事件流行特征分析[J]. 疾病监测, 2013, 28(3): 233-235. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2013.3.018
作者姓名:毛国华  杨天池  王海波  许国章
摘    要:目的 分析宁波市近几年学校突发公共卫生事件的流行特征,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。 方法 对2004-2011年宁波市报告的学校突发公共卫生事件,采用描述流行病学方法分析。 结果 2004-2011年共报告学校突发事件124起,全部为Ⅳ级事件,罹患率为2.90%。事件类型以传染病事件为主,占99.19%。前3位病种是水痘、流行性感冒和流行性腮腺炎。突发事件报告主要集中在3-6月、10月至次年1月。小学是高发场所,占69.35%。罹患率以乡中学最高(7.18%),其次为市中学(6.86%)。 结论 学校是突发公共卫生事件的高发场所,多发生于农村学校,应引起教育和卫生部门的重视,积极采取切实的防控措施和对策。

关 键 词:学校   突发公共卫生事件   流行病学

Epidemiology of public health emergencies in schools in Ningbo, 2004-2011
Abstract:Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of public health emergencies in schools in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, from 2004 to 2011. Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on the incidence data of public health emergencies in schools in Ningbo during this period. Results Totally 124 public health emergencies of grade Ⅳ were reported. The attack rate was 2.9%, Outbreaks of communicable diseases, including chickenpox, influenza and mumps, accounted for 99.19% of the total events. Public health emergencies mainly occurred during March-June and October-January. Primary schools were the major place where the outbreaks occurred (69.35%). The attack rate in township middle schools was highest (7.18%), followed by city middle schools (6.86%). Conclusion Public health emergencies occurred frequently in the schools in Ningbo, especially in rural areas, It is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control measures in schools.
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