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引用本文:于秀淳,刘晓平,周银,付志厚,宋若先,孙海宁,徐明. 保留骨骺灭活再植术治疗儿童股骨远端骨肉瘤及术后肢体功能恢复特征[J]. 中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2007, 11(4): 758-762
作者姓名:于秀淳  刘晓平  周银  付志厚  宋若先  孙海宁  徐明
摘    要:背景:保留骨骺保肢手术在改善肢体功能、避免术后肢体不等长方面较截肢术有明显的优势,但术后并发症也较截肢手术有明显的增加,主要是感染、移植骨吸收、骨折和内固定松动等。目的:观察保留骨骺灭活再植术治疗儿童股骨远端骨肉瘤的术后肢体功能恢复情况。设计:临床定期随访观察。单位:解放军济南军区总医院。对象:选择于1999-01/2005-01在解放军济南军区总医院骨病科收治的11例骨肉瘤患儿,纳入标准:①经穿刺活检病理组织学证实为骨肉瘤。②化疗前在外院未行切开活检、放疗。③化疗前后经MR检查证实骨肉瘤未穿破骺板,侵袭骨骺,即骨肉瘤与骨骺MR分型中的Ⅰ、Ⅱ型[2]。④所有病变均位于股骨下端。排除标准:经胸片、CT扫描已有远处转移者。纳入患儿中男5例,女6例。年龄4~11岁,平均(8±2)岁。病程1~6个月,所有患儿监护人对手术项目知情同意。方法:①本手术中患儿均按照计划采用MMIA化疗方案用药2疗程,2周后进行保留骨骺的灭活再植术。以股骨远端骨肉瘤为例,硬膜外麻醉或全麻成功后,患儿平卧手术台,取膝关节前内侧切口,切开骨膜,向近端作骨膜下剥离。用线锯截断股骨,仔细分离后切断股骨后侧的骨膜,钝性分离股后侧的血管神经至腘窝,结扎至肿瘤内的血管。切断腓肠肌内外侧头在股骨后髁处的附着点。依据术前MR在距骺板5mm处确定股骨远端截骨平面,应用电锯截断股骨,并用无菌玻片作涂片,以细胞学证实无肿瘤细胞存在。髓内针固定股骨,以螺丝钉交叉固定骨骺,骨缺损处以骨水泥充填。逐层关闭,放置引流管1根。以长腿石膏托固定。术后处理:常规应用抗生素预防感染。引流管拔除的时间以引流量<50mL/d来确定。石膏托固定期间注意指导患儿行下肢功能锻炼。术后12~14d拆线。术后2周同样给予MMIA方案进行化疗。术后8周拆除外固定,开始膝关节功能锻炼,并扶双拐下地,需要扶拐4个月左右。②对手术中切除的标本按国内肿瘤坏死率的取材与评定方法进行评定术前化疗效果的评估。③术后患儿恢复情况分析:观察术后患儿切口血管、神经损伤和愈合情况,对所有患儿随访,通过检查患膝屈曲角度评价患膝功能(以最后随访时为评价标准)、双下肢长度、随访期间发生转移等指标评价11例患儿的行保留骨骺的灭活再植术后恢复情况,对回植的灭活骨与截骨端、骨骺端间的愈合情况进行了动态影像学观察,对术后并发症进行观察。主要观察指标:①术前化疗效果的评估。②术后恢复情况(患膝功能、双下肢长度、随访期间发生转移等指标)。③回植的灭活骨与截骨端、骨骺端间的愈合情况的动态影像学观察以及术后复发情况。结果:纳入患儿11例均获得随访。①术前化疗效果的评估:11例患儿中,Ⅳ级7例,Ⅲ级4例。②术后恢复情况:患儿术后无血管、神经损伤。术后切口一期愈合,无切口感染及切口延迟愈合。11例获得随访10~72个月,患膝屈曲≥110°3例,90°~110°3例,60°~90°4例,<60°1例。下肢等长4例,患肢较健侧短<2.0cm5例,2.0~3.0cm2例。复发1例,转移2例,死亡3例,螺钉松动1例,灭活骨骨折1例。③动态影像学观察结果:未见骨骺处有肿瘤复发。2个月时,6例患儿的灭活骨与骨骺处已基本愈合,灭活骨与骨干截骨处有骨痂形成,4个月时骨痂明显增加,6个月时,灭活骨与骨干截骨端完全愈合。④术后复发情况:随访期内发生螺钉松动1例,由于骨已愈合,将松动的螺钉取出;灭活骨与股骨干截骨处骨折1例,采用切开复位、植骨、环抱器内固定治疗,术后4个月复查见骨愈合良好,现已再次手术24个月,双下肢等长,膝关节可屈曲至110°。结论:保留骨骺灭活再植术有利于术后功能恢复和肢体长度的保持。

关 键 词:骨肉瘤  手术后并发症  骨骺  再植术

Epiphyseal preservation and reconstruction with inactivated bone in distal femur for metaphyseal osteosarcoma in children
Yu Xiu-chun,Liu Xiao-ping,Zhou Yin,Fu Zhi-hou,Song Ruo-xian,Sun Hai-ning,Xu Ming. Epiphyseal preservation and reconstruction with inactivated bone in distal femur for metaphyseal osteosarcoma in children[J]. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, 2007, 11(4): 758-762
Authors:Yu Xiu-chun  Liu Xiao-ping  Zhou Yin  Fu Zhi-hou  Song Ruo-xian  Sun Hai-ning  Xu Ming
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Limb salvage operations with preservation of the epiphysis (LSPPE) had been used clinically in order to overcome discrepancy of affected limb and poorer limb function, but more post-operation complications existed, including infection, grafting bone resorption, fracture and internal fixation cinch.OBJECTIVE: To study the clinical related matters of inactivated bone replantation with preservation of the epiphysis in children limb salvage with osteosarcoma.DESIGN: Clinical observation regularly.SETTING: General Hospital of Jinan Military Area Command of Chinese PLA.MATERIALS: Eleven patients corresponded selected standard and accepted treatment from January 1999 to January distal metastasis was found with lung X-ray check and CT scanning, the patient would be excluded this study. There were 5 males, 6 females, and the mean age of (8±2) years old (4-11 years). The disease history was 1-6 months.FO) were adopted. After 2 weeks of chemotherapy, the operations of inactivated bone replantation with preservation of the epiphysis were performed. The operation was performed under epidural or general anesthesia. The patient lied on operating table. The knee anteriomedialis incision was adopted. Firstly, femur periosteum was opened beyond proximal end 2-3 cm from tumor, subperiosteum stripping was done to the proximal femur, descend femur with wire saw, separated and disconnected aboral periosteum, blunt dissecting femur aboral blood vessel and nerves to the popliteal fossa,deligating blood vessel around the tumor. Attachment of gastroenemius was cut off. Epiphyseal plate was identified carefully. According to pre-operation MR, the distal femur descend level was determined and the femur was descend with electro-saw. It was determined with cytology that no tumor cell existed in descend level, and reconstruction of bone de-fect with inactivated tumor-bone shell with 95% alcohol and bone cement containing ADR (20 g bone cement: 10 mg ADR), the diaphysis was fixed by intramedullary nail and screws were inserted in the residual epiphysis for the osteosynthesis of the distal osteotomy. One drainage tube was placed into and closed incision The affected limb was protected with plaster cast. Post-operative treatment: Regular usage of antibiotics was adopted to prevent infection. The drainage tube was pulled out when drainage amount < 50 Ml/24 hours. The progressive passive exercise was initiated during the protection of affected limb with plaster cast for 8 weeks. Twelve to 14 days after operation, stitches were taken out. The postoperative chemotherapy then initiated, drug and dosage were identified on the response to the preoperative chemotherapy. Eight weeks after operation, patients were permitted to walk with the protection of double crutches and ery analysis: To observe ncision healing and existing of nerve and blood vessel injure, or not. During follow-up, patient recoveries were determined with affected knee function, limb length, distal metastasis, post-operative complications and dynamic imaging inspection of bone healing.imaging inspection of bone healing.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ① The response to chemotherapy was evaluated with tumor cell necrosis rate. ② Post-operative recovery was determined with parameters such as knee function, limb length, distal metastasis, etc. ③ Dynamic imaging inspection of bone healing.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ① The response to chemotherapy was evaluated with tumor cell necrosis rate. ② Post-operative recovery was determined with parameters such as knee function, limb length, distal metastasis, etc. ③ Dynamic imaging inspection of bone healing.RESULTS:All patients in this study were done follow-up.①The histological response of 11 patients to preoperative chemotherapy were classified as 7 in gradeⅣ,4 ingrade Ⅲ.②Post-operation recovery:No nerve and blood vessel injury existed and all incision healed well,there was not incision infection and healing.Eleven patients were followed-up from 10 to 72 months.Three patients could flexed affected knee joint ≥110,90-110 in 3 cases,60-90 in 4 cases,<60 in one patient .The length of both lower extremity equaled in 4 cases,the length of affected limb was shorter than 2.0 cm in 5 cases,2.0-3.0 cm in 2 cases. One patient with recurrence,two with metastasis,three died.Screw cinch in one patient and one patient with inactivated bone fracture. ③Dynamic imaging inspection: No recurrence was found around epiphysis. Essential bone healing existed between the inactivated bone and epiphysis,callus formation between the inactivated bone and diaphysis at 2 months after operation; more callus formed and 4 months; 6 months after operation,bone complete healing was found between the inactivated bone and diaphysis.④Post-operation recovery:During follow-up, a screw cinch was found in one patient, and dislodged the screw because of bone healing well. One patient underwent open reduction, bone grafting and internal fixation with encircle device because of inactivated bone fracture.four months of the operation, grafting bone healed well. At post-operative 24 months, the length of both lower extremities equaled and the affected knee flexed to 110°.CONCLUSION: Inactivated bone replantation with preserving epiphysis for osteosarcoma in children was propitious to recover limb function and keep limb length.
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