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引用本文:杨军 李慧增 史义进 容国俊 刘宝林. 钛种植体-羟基磷灰石复合型植入体修复下颌骨缺损的动物实验[J]. 中国口腔种植学杂志, 1996, 1(2): 86-89
作者姓名:杨军 李慧增 史义进 容国俊 刘宝林
作者单位:[1]重庆第三军医大学西南医院口腔科630038 [2]西安第四军医大学口腔医学院710031
摘    要:本研究采用钛种植体-羟基磷友石复合型植入体植入20只狗下颌骨牙缺失区.并对植入体与宿主骨结合的过程进行了X线、组织形态学观察和复合型植入体抗折强度测试。结果表明:术后12周.复合型植入体的抗折强度比植入体内前高;复合型植入体植入后用微型钛夹板固定组与宿主骨呈骨性结合;用骨膜复位缝合固定组与宿主骨呈纤维骨性结舍。钛种植体与羟基磷灰结合牢固.负荷条件下无松脱落。复合型植入体不干扰骨愈合过程。作者认为该种复合型植入体可用于颌骨缺损后的牙颌整复.但植入体植入后早期的稳定固定则十分重要。

关 键 词:钛种植体 羟基磷灰石复合型植入体 修复 下颌骨缺损 动物实验

Experimental Study on Combinations of Screw-shape Titanium Implant and Block Hydroxyapatite Repair Mandibular Defects in Dogs
Yang Jun,Li Huizen,Shi Wenjin,et al.. Experimental Study on Combinations of Screw-shape Titanium Implant and Block Hydroxyapatite Repair Mandibular Defects in Dogs[J]. Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology, 1996, 1(2): 86-89
Authors:Yang Jun  Li Huizen  Shi Wenjin  et al.
Abstract:In order to elM whether hydroxyapatite in conjunction with osseointegrated implant could be uesed in functional reconstruction for defect of jaw bones, the compound implants consisting of blockhydroxyapatite and screw-shape titanium implant were inserted into the defect of mandibular bone of twenty adult mongrel dogs. The compound implants were fixed by titanium splint in sixteen dogs (groupsA),the compound implants were not fixed by titanium splint in four dogs (grouP B). The dogs were killed at 2,4, 6 and 12 weeks after implantation. The histologic features of the healing process were examined.The compound implant fracture strength was measured. Implant-bone contact of group A was observed earlier than that of group B.At 12 weeks, we observed osseointegrated interface between implant and bone in group A,but in group B, implant-bone interface consisted of new bone tissue and fibrous tis sue.Twelve weeks after implantation, the fracture strength of compound implant became higher than before implantation. There was firm bond between screw-shape titanium and hydroxyapatite. It is suggested that the compound implant could be used to repair mandibular defect, but early stable fixation of for implant is very important.
Keywords:Titanium  Hydroxyapatite  Implant.  
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