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引用本文:陈玲,杨海弟. 儿童言语障碍的听觉脑干诱发电位特点分析[J]. 中国实用医药, 2011, 6(24): 36-38
作者姓名:陈玲  杨海弟
摘    要:目的分析言语障碍儿童的听觉脑干诱发电位(auditory brainstem response,ABR)特点,了解言语发育障碍儿童的听觉外周和中枢中的改变,为进一步干预和早期治疗提供依据。方法回顾性分析了2007年6月至2009年6月我院耳鼻喉科就诊的言语发育障碍儿童40例的ABR资料,记录双侧ABR的阈值、潜伏期(PL)、各波之间的波间期(IPL),并与正常同龄儿童进行比较。结果 40例患儿中双耳ABR阈值和潜伏期、波间期完全正常者3例(7.5%)6耳,有一耳异常者5例(12.5%)5耳,双耳均异常者32例(80.0%)64耳。总共69耳异常,共中43耳(53.7%)为波形消失,7耳(8.75%)为Ⅰ波缺如,17耳(21.25%)为Ⅰ、Ⅲ波同时缺如,2耳(2.5%)为Ⅴ波缺如,5耳(6.3%)为Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ波完整,但波形分化差,潜伏期延长。结论 ABR对言语障碍儿童听力损害及神经传导通路异常者提供有价值的客观指标,协助患儿早期诊断。

关 键 词:听觉脑干诱发电位  言语障碍  儿童

Auditory Brainstem Response in Children with Speech and Language Barriers
CHEN Ling,YANG Hai-di. Auditory Brainstem Response in Children with Speech and Language Barriers[J]. China Practical Medical, 2011, 6(24): 36-38
Authors:CHEN Ling  YANG Hai-di
Affiliation:CHEN Ling, YANG Hai- di.( Department of Otolaryngology, Guangzhou Sun Yat -Sen Memorial Hospital, Guangzhou, China, 510120 )
Abstract:Objective To explore the characteristics and clinic value of auditory brainstem response (ABR) in children with speech and language barriers. Methods ABR were recorded in 40 cases (80 ears) with speech and language barriers. The ABR threshold, waveform, latent period (PL) and interaural latent period (IPL) of 40 cases ( 80 ears) were tested. Results In the 40 cases ( 80 ears ) , 6 ears (7.5 % ) were normal, and 74 ears(92.5% )were abnormal. The waveforms disappeared in 43 ears(53.7% ). [ wave was absence in 7 ears(8.75% ) , and I and Ill wave were also absence in 17 ears(21.25% ) , and V wave was absence in 2 ears(2.5% ). We find that I , Ⅲ, V waves were complete in 5 ears(6.3% ), but waveforms didnt differentiate well and the latent period extended. The V wave threshold all raised up in the children whose ABR waves were absence. Conclusion ABR is an objective test for diagnosing hearing loss and nerve conduction abnormality in children with speech and language barriers early.
Keywords:Auditory Brainstem Response  Speech and Language Barriers  Children
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