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引用本文:朱锡翔,刘芳,SQUIRESJane,岳虹霓,许汝钗,刘媛,陈菁,卞晓燕. 基于《年龄与发育进程问卷-第3版》调查的中国大陆城乡1~66个月儿童发育状况的比较[J]. 中国循证儿科杂志, 2017, 12(2): 116-120. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5501.2017.02.007
作者姓名:朱锡翔  刘芳  SQUIRESJane  岳虹霓  许汝钗  刘媛  陈菁  卞晓燕
作者单位:1 云南省妇幼保健院保健技术指导科 昆明,650051;2 湖北省十堰市妇幼保健院儿童保健科 十堰,442000;3 美国俄勒冈大学早期干预研究所 尤金,97403;4 江苏省淮安市妇幼保健院儿童保健科 淮安,223002;5 河北省保定市妇幼保健院儿童保健科 保定,071000;6 宁夏回族自治区妇幼保健院儿童保健科 银川,750002;7 江西省鹰潭市妇幼保健院儿童保健科 鹰潭,335001;8上海市妇幼保健中心儿童保健科 上海,200062;9共同第一作者
摘    要:目的探讨我国城镇与乡村1~66个月儿童发育的差异及特点。方法资料来源于《年龄与发育进程问卷-第3版(中文版)》(ASQ-3)的全国常模样本,比较城市和乡村样本的20个ASQ-3月龄组在沟通、粗大动作、精细动作、解决问题和个人-社会5个能区的得分平均值以及量表总分的平均值。采用SAS 9.3和MS Excel进行统计分析。结果城镇样本2 236人,乡村样本2 216人,每个ASQ-3月龄组的样本量为108~114人。沟通能区有19个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中6个月龄组差异有统计学意义;粗大动作能区有18个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中8个月龄组差异有统计学意义;精细动作能区有18个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中7个月龄组差异有统计学意义;解决问题能区所有ASQ-3月龄组城镇均高于乡村,其中11个月龄组差异有统计学意义;个人-社会能区有14个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中3个月龄组差异有统计学意义。20个月龄组的ASQ-3量表总分城镇均高于乡村,其中11个月龄组差异有统计学意义,在27 m(适用于25个月16天至28个月15天儿童)及以后的月龄组中,城乡差距加大。结论我国1~66个月儿童的发育存在城乡差异,乡村儿童ASQ-3各个能区的发育普遍落后于城镇儿童。推广ASQ-3对促进我国乡村儿童的发育有重大意义。

关 键 词:城乡差异  年龄与发育进程问卷-第3版(中文版)  儿童发育  社会经济地位  筛查

Comparison in development of young children aged 1 to 66 Months in urban and rural areas in China based on Ages and Stages Questionnaires (the third edition)
ZHU Xi-xiang,LIU Fang,SQUIRES Jane,YUE Hong-ni,XU Ru-chai,LIU Yuan,CHEN Jing,BIAN Xiao-yan. Comparison in development of young children aged 1 to 66 Months in urban and rural areas in China based on Ages and Stages Questionnaires (the third edition)[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Evidence Based Pediatrics, 2017, 12(2): 116-120. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5501.2017.02.007
Authors:ZHU Xi-xiang  LIU Fang  SQUIRES Jane  YUE Hong-ni  XU Ru-chai  LIU Yuan  CHEN Jing  BIAN Xiao-yan
Abstract:Objective To investigate differences and characteristics of the development of children aged 1 to 66 months in urban and rural areas in China.Methods Data from the national norm group of Ages and Stages Questionnaires(Third Edition,Chinese)(ASQ-3)were used to compare the development of young children in urban and rural areas of China in the five developmental domains: communication,gross motor,fine motor,problem solving,and personal social.Twenty age intervals from 1 to 66 months were used for comparison.Data were analyzed using SAS 9.3 and MS Excel.Results The urban group included 2,236 young children and the rural group included 2,216 young children,with 108-114 young children in each age interval.In communication domain,the urban group scored higher than the rural group in 19 age intervals,and significant differences were found in 6 age intervals.In gross motor domain,the urban group outperformed the rural group in 18 age intervals,and significant differences were found in 8 age intervals.In fine motor domain,the urban group scored higher than the rural group in 18 age intervals,and significant differences were found in 7 age intervals.The urban group scored higher than the rural group in all age intervals in problem solving domain,and significance were found in 11 age intervals.In personal social domain,the urban group scored higher than the rural group in 14 age intervals,and in 3 of them the differences were significant.When comparing the total score,the urban group outperformed the rural group in all age intervals,especially in age intervals older than 26 months;and 11 of the comparisons were significantly different.Conclusion There were differences between young children's development in urban and rural areas in China.Young children in rural group scored lower than those in urban group in the same age interval.Using ASQ-3 is simple and convenient for children in rural areas,because it may help promote the use of parent-completed screening tools,and increase the awareness of early development of young children.
Keywords:Urban-rural differences  Ages and Stages Questionnaires (Third Edition  Chinese)  Child development  Social-economic status  Screening
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