Schizophrenia and Evoked Potentials: Maximum Amplitude, Frequency of Peaks, Variability, and Phenothiazine Effects |
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Authors: | Maurice Rappaport H. Kenneth Hopkins Karyl Hall Teodoro Belleza Robert A. Hall |
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Affiliation: | Langley Forter Neuropsychiatric Institute, Sun Francisco;Institute for Medical Research, Still Jose, and Stanford University |
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Abstract: | The purpose of this study was to compare averaged visual evoked potentials AVEPs) in normal subjects and in schizophrenics off and on phenothiazine medication. Flashes of 4 intensities were used. Ss were tested 3 times within a 1 month period. Measures of maximum amplitude (Am), frequency of peaks I FOP), and variability (V) were obtained- With increases in stimulus intensity all Ss showed increases in Ams and decreases in FOPs and V. Schizophrenics had smaller Ams. greater FOPs, and grear V than normals. Schizoprenies on phenothiazines generally had less FOPs initially and after 1 wk mi medication but not after about I month on medication. There was no consistently significant effect of phenothiazines on maximum amplitude. NO drug effect on variability was observed. Schizophrenics showed a decrease in FOPs over time while normals showed an increase. A relationship was found between variability and overall thought disturbance. Changes in clinical condition over a month were not associated with discernible AVEP changes. Relationships between Am, FOP, unit V are presented. |
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Keywords: | Schizophrenia Phenothiazines Averaged evoked potentials |