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Schizophrenia and Evoked Potentials: Maximum Amplitude, Frequency of Peaks, Variability, and Phenothiazine Effects
Authors:Maurice  Rappaport   H. Kenneth  Hopkins   Karyl  Hall   Teodoro  Belleza   Robert A.  Hall
Affiliation:Langley Forter Neuropsychiatric Institute, Sun Francisco;Institute for Medical Research, Still Jose, and Stanford University
The purpose of this study was to compare averaged visual evoked potentials AVEPs) in normal subjects and in schizophrenics off and on phenothiazine medication. Flashes of 4 intensities were used. Ss were tested 3 times within a 1 month period. Measures of maximum amplitude (Am), frequency of peaks I FOP), and variability (V) were obtained- With increases in stimulus intensity all Ss showed increases in Ams and decreases in FOPs and V. Schizophrenics had smaller Ams. greater FOPs, and grear V than normals. Schizoprenies on phenothiazines generally had less FOPs initially and after 1 wk mi medication but not after about I month on medication. There was no consistently significant effect of phenothiazines on maximum amplitude. NO drug effect on variability was observed. Schizophrenics showed a decrease in FOPs over time while normals showed an increase. A relationship was found between variability and overall thought disturbance. Changes in clinical condition over a month were not associated with discernible AVEP changes. Relationships between Am, FOP, unit V are presented.
Keywords:Schizophrenia    Phenothiazines    Averaged evoked potentials
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