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引用本文:张伟. AAA骨粉和骨内种植体复合立即种植的临床疗效观察[J]. 中国口腔种植学杂志, 1996, 1(1): 34-36
摘    要:人工种植牙技术近几年来在我国发展很快,国内学者多认为立即植入法保存率较低,所以目前绝大多数医师多采取延期植入手术方法。为了探索立即种植的可行性,本文作者自1991年开始,在共计完成的206枚种植体植入手术中,分别采用延期植入,AAA骨粉复合立即植入和单纯立即种植等三种不同的方法进行比较,结果表明,在102例采用AAA骨粉和种植体复合立即植入的病例中成功100例,成功率达98.1%,经统计学比较与延期植入效果无明显差别,而与单纯立即植入差别有高度显著性。本文提出AAA骨粉有利于种植体周围的骨质生长,可使立即植入成功率大大提高,同时提出手术操作要点。立即种植具有减少创伤次数,缩短病人失牙时间,尽早恢复咀嚼功能,减少牙槽骨进行性吸收,保存牙槽骨量等不可比拟的优点,是一种很有发展前景,有价值,易于推广的种植方法。

关 键 词:AAA骨粉 骨内种植体 立即种植 疗效观察

A Clinical Study on Combined Application of Dental Implants with AAA Bone Powder for Immediate Implantation
Zhang Wei. A Clinical Study on Combined Application of Dental Implants with AAA Bone Powder for Immediate Implantation[J]. Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology, 1996, 1(1): 34-36
Authors:Zhang Wei
Affiliation:Hospital of Research Institute for Engineering Physics of China 610007
Abstract:The author investigated a combined application of dental implants and AAA bone powder for immediated implamation. The result shows that immediate implantation had a satisfactory effect and AAA bone powder had a promoting function on early healing of operation wounds.
Keywords:Dental Implant  Immediate Implantation  AAA Bone Powder
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