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引用本文:林春燕,王明昌,曾小平,邝仕壮,林先博. 海口市2008-2015年手足口病流行病学特征分析[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2016, 37(12): 1615-1618
作者姓名:林春燕  王明昌  曾小平  邝仕壮  林先博
作者单位:571100 海口市疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制科;571100 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病监测预警重点实验室(海口)研究基地;571100 海口市疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制科;571100 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病监测预警重点实验室(海口)研究基地;571100 海口市疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制科;571100 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病监测预警重点实验室(海口)研究基地;571100 海口市疾病预防控制中心微生物检验科;571100 海口市疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制科
摘    要:
目的 分析2008-2015年海口市手足口病流行病学特征。方法 用描述性流行病学方法对2008-2015年海口市手足口病发病资料和病原学检测情况资料进行统计分析。结果 2008-2015年海口市共报告手足口病71 611例,其中报告重症病例728例,重症百分比为1.02%。年平均发病率为 458.89/10万,年发病率总体呈上升趋势。死亡11例,年均死亡率为0.07/10万。发病高峰在4-7月和9-11月。病例以≤5岁儿童为主,占总病例数的95.78%;1~岁组发病率(12 881.24/10万)最高;男性报告发病率高于女性。全市4个区均有病例报告,病例主要为散居儿童,占报告总病例数的79.89%。引起手足口病流行的病原为肠道病毒71型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(Cox A16)及其他肠道病毒,2011年后呈现交替流行态势。结论 海口市是我国手足口病高发地区,近年发病率呈现上升趋势,应加强监测、传染源管理、健康教育以及重点人群的综合防控。

关 键 词:手足口病  流行病学特征  病原学监测

Epidemiologic features of hand-foot-mouth disease in Haikou city from 2008 to 2015
Lin Chunyan,Wang Mingchang,Zeng Xiaoping,Kuang Shizhuang and Lin Xianbo. Epidemiologic features of hand-foot-mouth disease in Haikou city from 2008 to 2015[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, 37(12): 1615-1618
Authors:Lin Chunyan  Wang Mingchang  Zeng Xiaoping  Kuang Shizhuang  Lin Xianbo
Affiliation:Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Department, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China;Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Monitoring and Early Warning(Haikou) Research Base of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China;Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Department, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China;Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Monitoring and Early Warning(Haikou) Research Base of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China;Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Department, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China;Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Monitoring and Early Warning(Haikou) Research Base of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China;Microbial Laboratory, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China;Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Department, Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haikou 571100, China
Keywords:Hand-foot-mouth disease  Epidemiological characteristics  Etiological surveillance
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