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引用本文:章顺荣,徐力辛,洪鸣鸣. 中国人群细胞间黏附分子-1基因K469E多态性与冠心病相关性的Meta分析[J]. 中国慢性病预防与控制, 2007, 15(3): 225-227
作者姓名:章顺荣  徐力辛  洪鸣鸣
作者单位:1. 浙江省杭州市第一人民医院,干部科,浙江,杭州,310006
2. 温州医学院附属第一医院,心内科,浙江,温州,325000
摘    要:
目的研究细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)基因K469E多态性与中国人群冠心病的相关性。方法全面检索关于ICAM-1基因K469E多态性与冠心病相关性的原始研究,将符合入选标准的研究纳入,并进行数据合并。利用ICAM-1基因的KK KE基因型/EE基因型的OR值及其95/可信区间(CI)作为效应指标进行分析。采用SPSS11.5和Stata8.0统计软件包进行统计,计算合并的效应指标。结果6个原始研究共计1875例对象(其中冠心病患者897例,非冠心病者978例)进入了最后的数据合并。对各研究的两组对象进行Hardy-Weinberg遗传平衡检验,均符合遗传平衡分布。各研究间存在异质性,但未发现显著性发表偏倚。经随机效应模型(D-L法)合并的(KK KE)基因型/EE基因型的OR值为1.99,95/CI为1.19~3.31,P=0.008。结论ICAM-1基因K469E多态性可能与中国人群冠心病相关,K等位基因携带者患冠心病的危险性可能有增高趋势。

关 键 词:细胞间黏附分子-1  基因多态性  冠心病  Meta分析

A Meta Analysis On the Correlation between Polymorphism of ICAM-1 Gene K469E and Coronary Heart Disease in Chinese Population
ZHANG Shun-rong,XU Li-xin,HONG Ming-ming. A Meta Analysis On the Correlation between Polymorphism of ICAM-1 Gene K469E and Coronary Heart Disease in Chinese Population[J]. Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, 2007, 15(3): 225-227
Authors:ZHANG Shun-rong  XU Li-xin  HONG Ming-ming
Objective To investigate the correlation between the polymorphism of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM -1) gene K469E and the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) with Meta analysis method. Methods Data bases were comprehensively searched,together with references retracing method, for all the related studies on the correlation between ICAM-1 gene K469E polymorphism and the risk for CHD. All the related studies were further strictly selected according to the inclusion criteria. The ICAM-1 gene KK and KE genotype vs EE genotype OR(odds ratio) and its' 95%CI (confidence interval) were analyzed as an outcome measurement. The statistical packages Stata8.0 and SPSS 11.5 were applied for investigating heterogeneity among individual studies and summarizing overall effects across studies by proper mathematical model. Results 6 original studies with a total of 1 875 subjects (897 CHD patients and 978 controls) were entered the final data combination. The distribution of ICAM-1 genotype of both groups in every study was in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No statistical publication bias was founded. However, a significant heterogeneity was found between the 6 studies. With the D-L mathematical model, the pooled odds ratio for (KE EE)/EE in CHD group against control group was 1.99, 95%CI (1.19, 3.31), P=0.008. Conclusion The intercellular adhesion molecule-1 K469E polymorphism was associated with coronary heart disease in Chinese population, people who carries the K allele (KK and KE genotypes) had a higher risk to be subject to coronary heart disease.
Keywords:ICAM-1  Polymorphism  Coronary heart disease  Meta analysis
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