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引用本文:金海霞,付雷,王彬,郑梅琴,陆宇. 结核分枝杆菌利福平依赖性的初步研究[J]. 中国防痨杂志, 2012, 34(10): 670-675
作者姓名:金海霞  付雷  王彬  郑梅琴  陆宇
摘    要:
目的 从耐利福平(RFP)结核分枝杆菌临床分离株中筛选RFP依赖的菌株,并在小鼠模型中验证RFP依赖现象,同时分析RFP依赖菌株的特征。 方法 采用7H11培养基绝对浓度法对46例临床分离菌株进行RFP依赖菌株筛选。以筛选得到的体外具有典型的RFP依赖现象的05116菌株建立气溶胶感染的小鼠模型,小鼠按照给药的种类和给药单位剂量分成对照组0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠(carboxymethyl cellulose sodium,CMC)、10 mg/kg Rfb(Rfb10)组、10 mg/kg RFP(RFP10)组、20 mg/kgRFP(RFP20)组,每组各10只,观察给药4、8周的体质量、肺荷菌量及组织病理学改变在各组之间差异,以验证小鼠体内是否存在RFP依赖现象。比较RFP耐药株和依赖株的rpoB基因突变位点,以鉴定RFP依赖株的特征。数据以(x±s)表示,采用SPSS 11.0软件,组间比较采用单因素方差分析,以 P<0.01为差异有统计学意义。 结果 从46例RFP耐药的结核分枝杆菌临床分离株中筛选到18例RFP耐药伴依赖的菌株和28例RFP耐药非依赖的菌株。感染小鼠模型给药8周,各组小鼠的活菌计数从高到低依次为:RFP20组(lgCFU为6.60±0.82)、RFP10组(lgCFU为6.44±0.36)、Rfb10组(lgCFU为6.32±0.55)、对照组(lgCFU为6.20±0.28),接近于最初感染的菌量(lgCFU为5.93±0.14),但与对照组相比差异无统计学意义(F值分别为0.68、2.21、2.45,各组P值均大于0.05)。RFP耐药株8例和依赖株11例,分别有3/8和4/11的菌株在rpoB基因526位发生突变,2/8和6/11的菌株在rpoB基因531位发生突变。 结论 RFP临床耐药株中RFP依赖菌的检出率高,其RFP依赖现象在小鼠体内得到初步验证。RFP耐药株和依赖株的rpoB基因突变位点基本相同,因此RFP依赖的原因是表型变异还是其他因素尚有待进一步的实验证实。

关 键 词:分枝杆菌  结核  利福平  细菌蛋白质类  突变  

Study on the rifampicin-dependent characteristics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolate
JIN Hai-xia,FU Lei,WANG Bin,ZHENG Mei-qin,LU Yu. Study on the rifampicin-dependent characteristics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolate[J]. The Journal of The Chinese Antituberculosis Association, 2012, 34(10): 670-675
Authors:JIN Hai-xia  FU Lei  WANG Bin  ZHENG Mei-qin  LU Yu
Affiliation:Pharmacology Research Lab, Beijing Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor Research Institute, Beijing 101149, China
Objective To validate the rifampicin(RFP)-dependent characteristics of M.tuberculosis clinical isolate in mice,and identify the characteristics of RFP-dependent strains.Methods RFP-dependent strains were selected from RFP-resistant clinical isolates on 7H11 medium(the final concentrations of rifampicin were 1 μg/ml and 10 μg/ml).The dependence was further studied in mouse TB model,in which the mice were treated with 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose sodium(control group),10 mg/kg rifabutin(Rfb10 group),10 mg/kg RFP(RFP10 group) and 20 mg/kg RFP(RFP20 group),respectively.The differences of rpoB gene mutations between RFP-dependent and non-dependent strains were analyzed.Results 18 of 46 RFP-resistant isolates were RFP-dependent.After treatment with RFP or Rfb for 8 weeks in mouse model challenged by aerosol with RFP-dependent clinical isolate,the lung CFU counts showed a concentration-dependent increase(RFP20 group lgCFU were 6.60±0.82、RFP10 group 6.44±0.36、Rfb10 group 6.32±0.55、control group 6.20±0.28),but there were not significant difference in comparasion with control group(F value were 0.68、2.21、2.45,P>0.05).Five of 8 RFP-dependent strains and 10 of 11 non-dependent strains had mutations of rpoB codon 526 and 531,respectively.Conclusion RFP-dependent strains did exist and showed a high prevalence,and the dependence was further validated in mouse TB model.The RFP-dependent and non-dependent strains had common rpoB mutations,whether the dependence is a result of phenotype variation needs more evidence.
Keywords:Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Rifampicin  Bacterial proteins  Mutation
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