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引用本文:杜启亘,金雪梅,于丹丹,李亚夫,苏照霞. 超声直接及间接征象对小乳腺癌的诊断价值[J]. 航空航天医药, 2009, 20(12): 9-11
作者姓名:杜启亘  金雪梅  于丹丹  李亚夫  苏照霞
摘    要:目的:探讨超声对小乳腺癌直接征象及间接征象的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析206个乳腺小肿块(恶性94个,良性112个)声像图特征,将其按病理改变分为直接征象及间接征象,并与病理结果对照分析,用K系数检验超声征象和病理的吻合度。结果:直接征象中微钙化、Ⅱ-Ⅲ级血流、阻力指数(R I≥0.7),及间接征象中浅筋膜的改变恶性与良性小肿块相比差异有统计学意义(P(0.01),与病理吻合度一般(0.7(K≥0.4),综合分析直接及间接征象与病理吻合度较强(K=0.726)。结论:超声直接征象与间接征象对诊断小乳腺癌具有重要价值。

关 键 词:超声检查  乳腺肿瘤

Value of Direct and Indirect Ultrasonographic Signs in Diagnosis of Small Breast Cancer
Affiliation:DU Qi - gen, JIN Xue - mei, YU Dan - dan, et al.(Department of Ulerasound, The Harbin 242 Hospital of A VIC , Harbinl 50060 , China)
Abstract:Objective:To Explore the value of diret and indirect ultrasonographic signs in diagnosis of small breast cancer.Methods:The sonographic features of 206 small breast lesions(94malignant,112benign)were retrospectively analyzed and divided into direct and indirect signs according to the pathology.The results of ultraonography were cmpared with pathology.Agreement was measured with K statistics between ultrsonographic signs and pathology.Results:Compared with the malignant and benign small breast noplasms,there was statistical significance of the direact signs of micro calcifications,grade Ⅱ~Ⅲ flow,resistance index (RI) 90. 7 and the indireact signs of changes of superficial fascia ( P 〈 0. 01 ). Agreement was moderate for micro caocifications, grade Ⅱ~Ⅲ flow, RI ≥0.7, changes of superficial fascia (0. 7 〉 K ≥ 0. 4), and substantial for the conbination of direct and indirect signs ( K = 0. 726). Conclusions: Conbination of direct and indirect ultrasonographic signs was significant in diagnosis of small breast cancer.
Keywords:Ultrasonogaphy  Breast neoplasms
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