Abstract: | This report describes an orthognathic surgical case employing horseshoe Le Fort I osteotomy (HLFO) combined with mid-alveolar osteotomy and bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy (BSSRO) for a patient with severe unilateral scissor bite and bimaxillary protrusion. A female patient (aged 26 years, 2 months) presented with a chief complaint of dysmasesis caused by scissor bite on the right side. The clinical examination revealed difficulty in lip closure and a convex profile. Overerupted right maxillary premolars and molars and lingual tipping of the right mandibular premolars and molars were indicated before treatment. After 3 months of presurgical orthodontic treatment, two-jaw surgery involving a combination of HLFO with mid-alveolar osteotomy and BSSRO was performed. A good interdigitation in the right side was established by superior-posterior-medial movement of the dento-alveolar segment of the maxilla. Next, both the maxilla and mandible were moved superiorly and posteriorly to correct the improper lip protrusion, thereby improving the patient''s profile. Our results suggest that this new orthognathic surgery technique—achieved by combining HLFO with mid-alveolar osteotomy and BSSRO—is effective for adult patients exhibiting severe unilateral scissor bite and bimaxillary protrusion. |