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采用同伴推动抽样法进行男男性接触人群 HIV/STD流行病学调查的探索
引用本文:马小燕,张启云,赵金扣,贺雄,杜辉,孙卫东,张琴,郭雅琦. 采用同伴推动抽样法进行男男性接触人群 HIV/STD流行病学调查的探索[J]. 中国艾滋病性病, 2007, 13(4): 311-313
作者姓名:马小燕  张启云  赵金扣  贺雄  杜辉  孙卫东  张琴  郭雅琦
作者单位:1. 北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京,100013
2. 美国疾病控制与预防中心中国办事处,北京,100013
3. 北京纪安德健康教育所,北京,100006
4. University of California,San Francisco,CA,USA
摘    要:目的探索同伴推动抽样法(Respondent driven sampling,RDS)在我国男男性接触(MSM)人群调查的可行性。方法使用RDS对北京市MSM进行抽样调查及血清学检测,了解他们艾滋病病毒(HIV)、性病感染状况及行为特点;采用RDSAT软件进行统计分析,NETDRAW和EXCEL作图。结果共征募MSM 325人,其中35岁以下占90.5%,未婚占83.0%(95%CI:76.4~88.9),外地户籍为61.9%(95%CI:54.0~70.1);HIV感染率为0.4%(95%CI:0.1~0.5),梅毒抗体阳性率为13.7%(95%CI:9.1~19.0),梅毒RPR阳性率6.0%(95%CI:3.8~8.7);56.2%(95%CI:50.0~65.0)为男性性取向,88.9%首次性行为年龄≤24岁,56.3%(95%CI:49.5~64.0)半年内有≥2个性伴,近6个月无保护插入性肛交为51.8%(95%CI:44.0~59.4),无保护被插入性肛交为44.8%(95%CI:37.2~52.3)。结论RDS简便易行,无需过多调查员投入前期准备工作,实为开展隐匿人群调查的行之有效的方法之一。北京市MSM人群HIV感染率可能处于低水平,但存在HIV流行隐患。

关 键 词:男男性接触  同伴推动抽样法  艾滋病/性病

Feasibility of using respondent driven sampling in HIV/STD epidemiological survey among MSM
MA Xiao-yan,ZHANG Qi-yun,ZHAO Jin-kou,HE Xong,DU Hui,SUN Wei-dong,ZHANG Qing,GUO Ya-qi,Mac Farland Willi. Feasibility of using respondent driven sampling in HIV/STD epidemiological survey among MSM[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Aids & STD, 2007, 13(4): 311-313
Authors:MA Xiao-yan  ZHANG Qi-yun  ZHAO Jin-kou  HE Xong  DU Hui  SUN Wei-dong  ZHANG Qing  GUO Ya-qi  Mac Farland Willi
Affiliation:Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Beijing 100013, China
Abstract:Objective To explore the feasibility of using respondent driven sampling(RDS)in surveys of MSM population in China,and also to understand HIV/STD infection and related risk behaviors among this specific population group in Beijing.Methods RDS was used to recruit target population and conduct behavioral and serological surveys among MSM.RDSAT5.5 was used to analyze the data obtained,and NETDRAW was used to get network chart.Results A total of 325 MSM were recruited,of whom 90.5% were under 35 years,83%(95%CI 76.4-88.9)were unmarried,and the majority were non-Beijing registered residents;the HIV positive rate was 0.4%(95%CI 0.1-0.5),anti-syphilis positive rate 13.7%(95%CI 9.1-19.0),syphilis RPR positive rate 6.0%(95%CI 3.8-8.7),HBsAg positive rate 7.5%(95%CI 3.7-11.7),anti-HCV positive rate 0.4%(95%CI 0.10.8);most of them reported that they had male sex orientation and experienced their first sex in their life under 24 years,and 56.3% of them had two or more homo-sex partners over the past 6 months,51.8%(95%CI 44.0-59.4) and 44.8%(95%CI 37.2-52.3) had unprotected insert and receptive anal sex over the past 6 months.Conclusion RDS is one of effective ways of conducting hidden population survey.It requires less interviewers and less preparations,and it is simple and easy to operate.The HIV infection in MSM population group remains at a low level at present in Beijing,but there is potential for further spread.It is urgent to strengthen interventions among MSM in the city.
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