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引用本文:聂雪琼,;李英华,;张国杰,;赵芳红,;陶茂萱. 北京市公务员健康知识和行为现状调查[J]. 中国预防医学杂志, 2014, 15(3): 204-207
作者姓名:聂雪琼,  李英华,  张国杰,  赵芳红,  陶茂萱
作者单位:[1]中国健康教育中心卫生部新闻宣传中心,北京100011; [2]北京协和医院;,北京100011; [3]北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京100011;
摘    要:
摘要:目的 了解北京市公务员健康相关知识和行为,为制定有针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法 采用
单位,对抽中单位中18~60 岁的所有在职工作人员进行自填式的问卷调查。结果 共调查公务员1100
调查对象吸烟率为22.27% (245 人),饮酒率为70.55% (776 人),其中,男性吸烟率为32.90% (204
人),高于女性的8.54% (41人),男性饮酒率为78.06% (484人),高于女性的60.83% (292人),差异
不良工作方式比例较高,加班频率≥1 次/周的比例为81.73% (899 人),每日工作时间>8h 的比例为
80.36% (884人)。男性公务员每日工作时间>8h、熬夜频率≥1次/周、自感工作压力大的比例均高于女
性公务员(犘<0.05)。结论 公务员人群的健康相关行为和工作方式情况不容乐观,有必要开展有针对性
中图分类号:R193  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009 6639 (2014)03 0204 04

关 键 词:公务员  生活方式  健康知识  健康行为

A survey of health-related knowledge and behaviors of public servants in Beijing
Affiliation:NIE Xue qiong, LI Ying hua, ZHANG Guo-jie, ZHAO Fang-hong, TAO Mao-xuan (Chinese Center for Health Education (Health News Communication Center, Ministry of Health ), Beijing 100011 , China)
Objective To assess the quality of health-related knowledge and behaviors of public servants in Beijing,and to provide evidence for developing effective intervention. Methods Public servants aged 18to 60 years were randomly selected using stratified cluster sampling method from 4institutions in Beijing,and a questionnaire survey was conducted which focused on their socio-demographic status,life style,as well as the nature of work. Results A total of 1 100public servants were surveyed,including 620males and 480females.The awareness rate of female servants was higher than that of their male peers in terms of the harm of passive smoking to health,negative effect of drinking,the amount of daily salt intake,the unreplacement of vegetables by fruits,principles of physical activity and appropriate intensity of physical exercise(P〈0.05). The overall smoking rate and drinking rate were 22.27% and 70.55%,which were both significantly higher among male subjects as compared to female counterparts(32.90% vs 8.54%;78.06% vs 60.83%, P〈0.05).Female servants were more likely to eat breakfast and have their daily meals on time.The survey also found that 81.73% of participants overworked at least one time a week and 80.36% worked longer than 8 hours per day,especially among male public servants in which the percentage of self-rated working stress was also higher(P〈0.05). Conclusions Majority of public servants in Beijing do not have healthy life styles and their health related behaviors are far from being satisfied,therefore,health education and other interventions are necessary for public servant to improve their awareness and skills of self-care.
Keywords:Public servant  Lifestyle  Health knowledge  Health behavior
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