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引用本文:肖连升,周方钧,姜长胤,常喜华. 急性肾功能衰竭32例疗效分析[J]. 吉林大学学报(医学版), 1984, 0(5)
作者姓名:肖连升  周方钧  姜长胤  常喜华
摘    要:
<正> 1978年7月~1983年12月我院共收治急性肾功衰竭病人32例,采用保守治疗和人工肾血液透析治疗,现将疗效报告如下。 临床资料 一、一般资料:男性22例,女性10例。年龄15~76岁,其中22~50岁者25例。全部符合急性肾功衰竭的诊断标准。致病因素与转归见附表。

Analysis of the Treatment of 32 Cases of Acute Renal Failure
From July of 1973 to September of 1983,32 patients with acute renal failure were treated in our hospital. Conservative treatment was given to 17 cases, 7 of whom were cured and 1C died with a death rate of 58.8%. The other 15 cases received hemodialysis, 11 of whom were cured and 4 died with a death rate of 26.6%.The fevel of BUN was found to have close relation with prognosis. For example, of the fatal cases in the hemodialysis group, 2 had a BUN level over 200mg/dl and 1 had a BUN level of 250mg/dl.Therefore,it is suggested that hemodialysis should be given as early as possible, especially in acute renal failure. Prognosis was also found to be closely related to oliguria and anuria. The longer oliguria and anuria persisted, the more difficult the treatment and the worse the prognosis. Of the 10 deaths in the conservative group, 5 had no urine for more than 10 days and 1 for 7 days, of the 4 deaths in the hemodialysis group, 2 had no urine for more than 10 days. In addition, prognosis was affected by complications.
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