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Evaluation of three aggression/agitation behaviour rating scales for use on an acute admission and assessment psychogeriatric ward
Authors:Ajit Shah  Heather Evans  Nimmi Parkash
Background. In recent years many instruments measuring aggressive and agitated behaviours among the elderly in a variety of settings have emerged. Individual instruments have only occasionally been compared with each other. Method. Some psychometric properties of three aggression/agitation scales on an acute assessment and admission psychogeriatric ward were examined. The correlation between the Rating Scale for Aggressive Behaviour in the Elderly (RAGE), the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) and the Brief Agitation Rating Scale (BARS) and their internal consistencies and test–retest and interrater reliabilites were measured. Results. The RAGE was strongly correlated with the CMAI (rho=+0.73) and the BARS (rho=+0.72). The CMAI was strongly correlated with the CMAI (rho=+0·84). The internal consistency, as measured by Cronbach's alpha, was greater than 0·8 on all three scales. The test–retest and interrater reliability correlations were 0·75 or greater for all three scales (except the BARS interrater reliability correlation of 0·6). Conclusions. All three scales have good psychometric properties for use in acute admission and assessment psychogeriatric wards. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:aggression  agitation  scales  psychogeriatrics
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