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FISH characterization of head and neck carcinomas reveals that amplification of band 11q13 is associated with deletion of distal 11q
Authors:Yuesheng Jin,Mattias Hö  glund,Charlotte Jin,Carmo Martins,Johan Wennerberg,Jan Å  kervall,Nils Mandahl,Felix Mitelman,Fredrik Mertens
In order to characterize homogeneously staining regions (HSR) and other 11q13 rearrangements identified cytogenetically, we performed fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using a CCND1cosmid and five YAC clones spanning chromosomal bands 11q13–14 on metaphase cells from 14 primary and one metastatic head and neck carcinomas. At the cytogenetic level, a total of 17 HSR were detected in ten cases: five were in derivative chromosomes 11 in band 11q13, and 12 were located in other derivative chromosomes. Other forms of 11q13 rearrangements were observed in five cases, whereas two cases had normal chromosomes 11. FISH analysis demonstrated that all HSR but two were derived from the 11q13 band. The size of the amplicon varied from case to case, but the amplification always included the region covered by YAC 55G7, which contains the CCND1 locus. The amplification of CCND1was confirmed by use of a CCND1cosmid. We also showed that most of the cases (9 of 11) with 11q13 amplification had lost material from distal 11q. The breakpoints were mapped by FISH and were shown to cluster to the region between YACs 55G7 and 749G2. We conclude that loss of gene(s) in distal 11q may be as important as amplification of genes in 11q13 for the biological aggressiveness of head and neck carcinomas. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 22:312–320, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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