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Mécanismes de la dénutrition au cours de l'insuffisance respiratoire chronique
Authors:Christophe Pison  Xavier Leverve
Affiliation:1Service de Pneumologie, RCH, Hôpital Albert-Michallon, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble, France;2Laboratoire de Bioénergétique Fondamentale et Appliquée. Université J.-Fourier BP 53X F-38041 Grenoble cedex, France
The study of the mechanisms of denutrition during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is useful because this common evolutive complication has severe functional consequences and is associated with a poor prognosis, irrespective of respiratory functional status. Conversely, renutrition improves the prognosis in these patients. Adaptation to hypoxia, the basis of which is oxygen conformance, is described. Denutrition during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is linked to the imbalance arising from increased energy expenditure and inadequate food intake. The origins of the imbalance are discussed. The clinical implications of knowing the mechanisms of denutrition are set out and perspectives for both experimental and applied research are proposed.
Keywords:Mots clé  s:   nutrition    pense é  nergé  tique   hypoxie   insuffisance respiratoire chronique   oxygè  ne conformité  
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