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Limitations and Complications in the Utilization of Stereotaxic Core Breast Biopsy
Authors:D. David Dershaw  M. D.    Betty Ann Caravella  M. D.    Laura Liberman  M. D.
Affiliation:Breast Imaging Section, Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Abstract: Stereotaxic core biopsy of the breast is becoming an increasingly utilized tool for the diagnosis of breast disease without surgery. It can increase the speed and decrease the cost and deformity associated with diagnosis. However, some shortcomings in the procedure exist and radiologists and patients should be aware of these.
Lesions that are in thin areas of the breast or close to the skin may be difficult t o biopsy with this technique. Lesions near the chest wall or in the axilla may be inaccessible with some equipment, especially prone tables. Small lesions may be totally removed, making localization of the area for wider surgical excision difficult if they are malignant. Some types of calcifications may be difficult t o sample.
Certain histologies require wider surgical excision when diagnosed with core biopsy. These include ductal atypia and radial scars. Areas of invasion associated with duct carcinoma in situ (DCIS) may be missed on core sampling. Major complications are rare and include bleeding and infection. Minor complications are ecchymosis, pain, and inability t o return t o normal activities for a day or more.
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