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引用本文:许红芝. 试论独立医学院校专业教育与人文教育的融合[J]. 中华医学教育杂志, 2011, 31(2). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2011.02.015
摘    要:独立医学院校以培养实用型人才为目标,一般来说,偏重于对医学生专业理论的传授和职业技能的培养,而对医学人文知识的关注度相对不够.医学是自然科学与人文科学相互交叉融合的一门综合学科,医学专业教育与人文教育相融合是独立医学院校人才培养的需要,是构建和谐医患关系的保障,是医学科学发展的必然要求,也是医学教育教学改革中的一项重大任务.独立医学院校在专业教育与人文教育的融合中,应当坚持重点突出与主辅相承、多课程互补和整体统一、循序渐进和纵序连贯、显性课程和隐性课程相结合的原则,培养出既有高超医学专业技术,又有良好人文素养的优秀人才.

关 键 词:独立学院  医学生  专业教育  人文教育  融合

A discussion on the integration between professional education and humanistic education in the independent medical colleges
XU Hong-zhi. A discussion on the integration between professional education and humanistic education in the independent medical colleges[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Education, 2011, 31(2). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2011.02.015
Authors:XU Hong-zhi
Abstract:The independent medical college aims to cultivate practical qualified personnel, so it gives more importance on professional medical knowledge and related ability than medical humanistic knowledge.Medical science is a comprehensive subject of science and humanities, so the integration of the two is not only a great need for the development of the independent medical colleges and building a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients but a necessary requirement for medical development.It is also an important task in medical teaching reform.During the integration between professional and humanistic education the independent medical college should stick to such principles: emphasis focus and primarysecondary complement, multidisciplinary supplement and combination, combination and vertical order coherence, dominant and hidden curriculum integration.Thus it can cultivate such talented people with medical knowledge and high humanistic quality.
Keywords:Independent college  Medical students  Professional education  Humanistic education  Integration
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