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Patient-ventilator interaction: A general model for nonpassive mechanical ventilation
Authors:CROOKE, P. S.   HEAD, J. D.   MARINI, J. J.   HOTCHKISS, J. R.
Affiliation:Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37240, USA
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Abstract:A general mathematical model for the dynamic behaviour of asingle-compartment respiratory system in response to an arbitraryapplied inspiratory airway pressure and arbitrary respiratorymuscle activity is investigated. The model is used to computeexplicit expressions for ventilation and pressure variablesof clinical interest for clinician-selected and impedance-determinedinputs. The outcome variables include tidal volume, end-expiratorypressure, minute ventilation, mean alveolar pressure, averagepleural pressure, as well as the work performed by the ventilatorand the respiratory muscles. It is also demonstrated that undersuitable conditions, there is a flow reversal that can occurduring inspiration.
Keywords:mechanical ventilation   nonpassive ventilation   respiratory muscle pressure   pulmonary model
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