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引用本文:李岩,陈俊抛,沈君,孙荣,孔庆胜. 去卵巢、去松果体对大鼠扣带回细胞凋亡的影响[J]. 中华内分泌代谢杂志, 2003, 19(5): 407-409,I002
作者姓名:李岩  陈俊抛  沈君  孙荣  孔庆胜
作者单位:1. 250031,济南,济南军区总医院神经内科
2. 广州第一军医大学珠江医院神经内科
3. 250031,济南,济南军区总医院内分泌科
4. 济宁医学院
摘    要:
探讨去卵巢(OVX)、去松果体(PX)对大鼠扣带回细胞凋亡的影响。结果提示OVX、PX可诱发扣带回细胞凋亡,OVX、PX和OVX PX 3组细胞凋亡依次显著增高;这种影响与胶质细胞无关。

关 键 词:去卵巢 去松果体 大鼠 扣带回 细胞凋亡

Effects of ovariectomy and pinealectomy on apoptosis of cingulated gyrus cell in rats
LI Yan ,CHEN Jun- pao,SHEN Jun,SUN Rong,KONG Qing-sheng. Effects of ovariectomy and pinealectomy on apoptosis of cingulated gyrus cell in rats[J]. Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2003, 19(5): 407-409,I002
Authors:LI Yan   CHEN Jun- pao  SHEN Jun  SUN Rong  KONG Qing-sheng
Affiliation:LI Yan *,CHEN Jun- pao,SHEN Jun,SUN Rong,KONG Qing-sheng. *Department of Neurology,The Genra l Hospital of Jinan Military Region,Jinan 250031
The effects of ovariectomy (OVX) an d pinealectomy (PX) on apoptosis of cingulated gyrus cell in rats were investiga ted. The results suggest that OVX or PX could induce apoptosis in cingulated gyr us cells, the effect by PX is more serious than that by OVX, and combining effec t of 2 operations is more serious than either effect alone. The effects of OVX a nd PX on cell apoptosis are not related to glial cells.
Keywords:Ovariectomy  Pinealectomy  Apoptosis  G yrus cinguli
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