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Cervical condyloma planum
Authors:Alexander Meisels MD   Marcos Casas-Cordero PhD  Carol Morin PhD

From the Department of Laboratory Medicine, St. Sacrement Hospital, Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Condylomata were defined and described as wart-like lesions with papillary projections often observed on the skin and mucosa of the anogenital area. Cytologic, histologic, and colposcopic studies have demonstrated that the condylomatous lesion on the cervix presents itself more frequently as a flat lesion than a classical exophytic papillary one.

Condyloma planum represents a new lesion on the human cervix, not described until 1977.1,2 The viral etiology of this new type of condyloma has been confirmed in three ways: by the electron microscopic observation of human papillomavirus (HPV) particles, 1,3–8 by the identification of viral antigen using the peroxidaseantiperoxidase technique,9–13 and by demonstrating the presence of the HPV DNA sequences using molecular cloning and hybridization techniques.5,14

Keywords:Address for correspondence: A. Meisels   MD   Department of Laboratory Medicine   St. Sacrament Hospital   1050 Chemin Sainte-Foy   Quebec   P.Q.   Canada G1S 4L8.
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