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Increased Radioresistance to Lethal Doses of Gamma Rays in Mice and Rats after Exposure to Microwave Radiation Emitted by a GSM Mobile Phone Simulator
Authors:SMJ Mortazavi  MA Mosleh-Shirazi  AR Tavassoli  M Taheri  AR Mehdizadeh  SAS Namazi  A Jamali  R Ghalandari  S Bonyadi  M Haghani  M Shafie
Abstract:The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-irradiation with microwaves on the induction of radioadaptive response. In the 1st phase of the study, 110 male mice were divided into 8 groups. The animals in these groups were exposed/sham-exposed to microwave, low dose rate gamma or both for 5 days. On day six, the animals were exposed to a lethal dose (LD). In the 2nd phase, 30 male rats were divided into 2 groups of 15 animals. The 1st group received microwave exposure. The 2nd group (controls) received the same LD but there was no treatment before the LD. On day 5, all animals were whole-body irradiated with the LD. Statistically significant differences between the survival rate of the mice only exposed to lethal dose of gamma radiation before irradiation with a lethal dose of gamma radiation with those of the animals pre-exposed to either microwave (p=0.02), low dose rate gamma (p=0.001) or both of these physical adapting doses (p=0.003) were observed. Likewise, a statistically significant difference between survival rates of the rats in control and test groups was observed. Altogether, these experiments showed that exposure to microwave radiation may induce a significant survival adaptive response.
Keywords:Microwave   Adaptive Response   Nonionizing Radiation   Survival   GSM Mobile Phone
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