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引用本文:黄新文,吴晓萍,廖贤英,陈肖芳,罗红. ProTaper机动镍钛锉在乳牙根管预备中的应用[J]. 临床口腔医学杂志, 2008, 24(5): 299-300
作者姓名:黄新文  吴晓萍  廖贤英  陈肖芳  罗红
摘    要:目的:比较ProTaper机动镍钛锉与手用不锈钢锉在乳牙根管预备中的效果.方法:选择42名4~7岁的儿童50个患有牙髓炎、根尖周炎的下颌第一乳磨牙.随机分成2组,分别用ProTaper机动镍钛锉(A组)与手用不锈钢锉(B组)进行根管预备,使用注射型根管充填剂(Matapex充填剂)进行根管充填.比较两组病例根管预备的时间,X线片观察两组根管充填效果.结果:A组根管预备的时间明显少于B组,差异有显著性(p<0.01).根充效果观察,下颌第一乳磨牙近中根的恰填率A组高于B组,差异有显著性(P<0.01).远中颊舌根恰填率A组与B组差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论:ProTaper机动镍钛锉进行根管预备及使用注射型乳牙根管充填剂充填根管,能大大提高乳牙根管治疗的效率和效果.

关 键 词:ProTaper机动镍钛锉  不锈钢锉  根管预备  乳牙

The clinical evaluation of root canal preparations by ProTaper Nikel-Titanium rotary files in primary teeth
HUANG Xin-wen,WU Xiao-ping,LIA Xian-ying,CHEN Xiao-fang,LUO Hong. The clinical evaluation of root canal preparations by ProTaper Nikel-Titanium rotary files in primary teeth[J]. Journal of Clinical Stomatology, 2008, 24(5): 299-300
Authors:HUANG Xin-wen  WU Xiao-ping  LIA Xian-ying  CHEN Xiao-fang  LUO Hong
Abstract:Objective:Clinical compared the root canal preparation in primary teeth between ProTaper Nikel-Titanium rotary files and stainless steel hand files. Method:forty-two children(fifty primary mandibular first molars)requiring root canal therapy were included in this study.The teeth were randomly divided into two groups. group A:root canals were prepared by ProTaper NiTi rotary flies. group B:root canals were prepared by stainless steel hand files.thier effinciency were campared in preparation time and the quality of root canal filling radiographically with Matapex.Result:the time of preparation in A group was shorter than in Bgroup,which was significant (p < 0.01).according to the quality of the toot canal filling radiographically,optimally filled mesial root canals of primary mandibular first molars was statistically significant between the 2 groups(p < 0.01),optimally filled distobuccal and distolingual root canals was not statistically significant(p > 0.05). conclusion:It's encouraging to use the protaper NiTi rotary files and Metapex in root canal therapy of primary teeth.
Keywords:ProTaper Nikel-Titanium  stainless steel flies  canal preparation  primary teeth
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