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引用本文:杨小玲 卢承德. 高原藏,土族老年人听功能与微量元素的相关性研究[J]. 华西医学, 1994, 9(4): 473-475
作者姓名:杨小玲 卢承德
摘    要:作者在高海拔地区(2450米、大气压75.66kPa、氧分压15.89kPa)对藏及土族老年人113例(223耳)进行了纯音听力测试和头发中三种微量元素锌(Zn)、铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)的测定。结果:各年龄组纯音听力中骨传导听阈较气传导听阈低10dB以上,以70~79岁组明显(p<0.01),年龄与语言频率听阈呈正相关(n=113、r=0.4826、p<0.01);锌与听阈呈负相关(n=113、r=-0.2994、p<0.01);铬与听阈呈正相关(n=113、r=0.3343、p<0.01);铜与听阈无相关性(n=113、r=-0.062、p>0.50)。

关 键 词:高原 听功能 微量元素 老年人

Relations Between Hearing and Trace Element in the Tibetan and Tu nationality Elderly At High Altitude
Yang Xiao-ling et al. Relations Between Hearing and Trace Element in the Tibetan and Tu nationality Elderly At High Altitude[J]. West China Medical Journal, 1994, 9(4): 473-475
Authors:Yang Xiao-ling et al
Abstract:The paper reportcd the relations between pure tone hearing and trace element (Zn Cr Cu) of the human hair in the Tibetan and the Tu nationlity elderly at high altitude (2450metres above sea level.Atmospheric pressure 75. 66 kpa.Oxygen pressure 15. 89 kpa).Our results indicated that: 1 . In every year groups, The pure tone hearing (dB HL)bone conduction was about 10 dB HL lower than the air conduction (p<0.01) .2. The ages and speech frequency hearing threshold had positive correlation (N=113 R=0.4826 F<0.01). 3. Zine and hearinig threshold had negative correlation (N=113 R=-0.2994 P<0.01). 4. Cnromiun and hearing threshold had positive correlation (N=113 R=0.3343 p<0.01). 5. Copper and hearing threshold had Ne correlation (N=113 R=-0.062 p>0.50).
Keywords:High altitude  Hearing  Trace element  Older
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