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引用本文:陈国权. 小议《金匮要略》厚朴七物汤证[J]. 河南中医, 2012, 32(5): 529-531
摘    要:厚朴七物汤证主证为发热10日左右出现腹满,此为外邪由太阳内传阳明.此证中“脉浮数”主表证,“饮食如故”并非指饮食正常,而指饮食与往常一样,方中用大黄是取其通腑泄热之力.从本证的治疗可以看出,《金匮要略》中所论杂病多系外邪入侵所致,有表证或外邪者服药后并非皆有汗出,服药后有汗出者并非皆有表证,对表里同病的治疗既有先表后里者,也有先里后表者,更有表里双解者.

关 键 词:厚朴七物汤证  《金匮要略》  张仲景

Houpu Qiwu Decoction Syndrome in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber
Chen Guo quan. Houpu Qiwu Decoction Syndrome in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber[J]. Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2012, 32(5): 529-531
Authors:Chen Guo quan
Affiliation:Chen Guoquan(Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hubei,Wuhan,430061)
Abstract:The main syndrome of Houpu Qiwu Decoction syndromes is manifested by abdominal fullness after about ten days of fever,which is the internal transmission of external pathogen from Taiyang to Yangming.Floating and rapid pulse indicates the exterior syndrome,diet as before does not refer to a normal diet,but to a diet as usual.Rhubarb,in the decoction,is used for its function of purging fu-organs to eliminate heat.The treatment of this syndrome proved that the miscellaneous diseases discussed in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber are mostly caused by the invasion of external pathogens.Not all the patients perspire after taking medicine who have suffered from exterior syndromes or external pathogens,and not all the patients suffer from exterior syndromes after taking medicine who have perspired.The patients with exterior-interior concurrent disease are treated by relieving the exterior syndrome first and the interior syndrome second,or by relieving the interior syndrome first and the exterior syndrome second,as well as expelling both the interior and exterior syndromes.
Keywords:Houpu Qiwu Decoction syndromes  Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber  Zhang Zhongjing
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