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Intentional internal iliac artery occlusion to facilitate endovascular repair of aortoiliac aneurysms
Authors:Yano O J  Morrissey N  Eisen L  Faries P L  Soundararajan K  Wan S  Teodorescu V  Kerstein M  Hollier L H  Marin M L
Affiliation:Division of Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA.
Abstract:PURPOSE: The safety of intentional occlusion of patent internal iliac arteries (IIAs) to facilitate the endovascular repair of aortoiliac artery aneurysms (abdominal aortic aneurysms [AAAs] and iliac aneurysms [IAs]) was evaluated. METHODS: We analyzed the techniques and clinical sequelae of selective occlusion of one or both IIAs in 103 patients and correlated these findings with the results of preoperative angiograms to identify vascular anatomy that may predict postoperative pelvic ischemia. To quantify the clinical presentation of pelvic ischemia, we developed these criteria: class 0, no symptoms; class I, nonlimiting claudication with exercise; class II, new onset impotence, with or without moderate to severe buttock pain, leading to physical limitation with exercise; class III, buttock rest pain, colonic ischemia, or both. IIA occlusion was achieved in 100% of the patients by means of either catheter-directed embolization or orificial coverage with a stent-graft. No patient in this study had angiographic evidence of significant visceral occlusive disease before the procedure. Sixty-four patients had isolated AAAs, 23 patients had AAAs and IAs, and 16 patients had isolated IAs. Ninety-two patients had one IIA selectively occluded, and 11 patients had both IIAs selectively occluded. RESULTS: After IIA occlusion, 12 patients were categorized in class I, 9 patients were categorized in class II, and 1 patient was categorized in class III, for a total of 22 patients (21%) with pelvic ischemia. Sixteen (17%) of 92 patients had unilateral IIA occlusions, and six (17%) of 11 patients had bilateral IIA occlusions. Five patients in class I improved and had no symptoms within 1 year, and one patient in class II was downgraded to class I because of improved symptoms. Two unique preoperative angiographic findings were identified in the remaining 16 patients (16%) with chronic pelvic claudication: (1) stenosis of the remaining IIA origin (> 70%) with nonopacification of more than three of the six IIA branches (63%); and (2) small caliber, diseased or absent medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries ipsilateral to the side of the IIA occlusion (25%). One patient with class III ischemia died of cardiovascular collapse associated with colon infarction caused by either acute ischemia or particulate embolization. CONCLUSION: The incidence of pelvic ischemia after IIA occlusion is 20% immediately after endovascular aortoiliac aneurysm repair. A total of 25% of patients had no symptoms within 1 year. Two preoperative radiologic findings may help identify patients who are at risk for pelvic ischemia: stenosis of the patent IIA and disease deep femoral ascending branches ipsilateral to the occluded IIA. The risk of colon ischemia appears to be small after selective IIA occlusion to facilitate endovascular AAA repair.
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