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引用本文:郑山,胡晓斌,王敏珍,李连升,刘武,达振强,马源,刘鹏,程宁,白亚娜. 孕妇服用叶酸行为影响因素研究[J]. 卫生研究, 2010, 39(6)
作者姓名:郑山  胡晓斌  王敏珍  李连升  刘武  达振强  马源  刘鹏  程宁  白亚娜
摘    要:目的分析孕妇服用叶酸的影响因素,为提高叶酸干预效果提供基础数据。方法采用医院及入户调查方法,抽取甘肃省两个县内2094名孕后三个月至产后一年的妇女进行面对面匿名问卷调查。结果 2094名调查对象中,叶酸服用率为25.4%。叶酸认知水平、年龄、出生缺陷生育史及孕后去医院检查、文化程度、计划妊娠、流产史、孕前去医院检查等是影响孕妇叶酸服用行为的主要影响因素。结论孕妇生育史及对叶酸的认知水平是影响其叶酸服用的重要原因;对育龄人群广泛开展叶酸认知教育,倡导健康的计划生育观念应成为干预的重点措施;而如何找到提高孕前叶酸服用的有效途径还有待探讨。

关 键 词:叶酸  影响因素  孕妇  营养调查

Factors affecting the use of folic acid supplements in pregnant women in Gansu Province
ZHENG Shan,HU Xiaobin,WANG Minzhen,LI Liansheng,LIU Wu,DA Zhenqiang,MA Yuan,LIU Peng,CHENG Ning,BAI Ya'na. Factors affecting the use of folic acid supplements in pregnant women in Gansu Province[J]. Journal of hygiene research, 2010, 39(6)
Authors:ZHENG Shan  HU Xiaobin  WANG Minzhen  LI Liansheng  LIU Wu  DA Zhenqiang  MA Yuan  LIU Peng  CHENG Ning  BAI Ya'na
Abstract:Objective To study the factors of folic acid intake among pregnant women,and to provide the basic dates for improving the effectiveness of folic acid intervention.Methods A cross-section study was conducted both in hospital and household.Anonymous questionnaires were distributed to 2094 women in two counties of Gansu province,who were pregnant at least three months or postpartum within one year.Results Only 25.4% of 2094 subjects have taken folic acid.Lack of knowledge on folic acid,the age of pregnant women,the history of birth defects,had a check in hospital before pregnant,the degree of education,planned pregnancy and the history of miscarriages were the significant influential factors for whether or not taking folic acid.Conclusion The history of childbearing and the knowledge on folic are the important factors affecting the use of folic acid supplements.Widely initiating health education on the knowledge of folic acid and advocating family planning in childbearing aged population should be taken as the most important measures.But finding a way of effectively increasing the rate of folic acid intake before pregnancy is a problem still needs to be solved.
Keywords:folic acid  risk factors  pregnant women
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