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Simultaneous bronchopleural and esophagopleural fistulas after pneumonectomy
Authors:Trigui Walid  Le Pimpec-Barthes Françoise  Shaker Walid  Lang-Lazdunski Loïc  Riquet Marc
Affiliation:Service de Chirurgie Thoracique, H?pital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
The simultaneous occurrence of bronchopleural fistula (BPF) and esophagopleural fistula (EPF) after pneumonectomy is very rare. We describe a 60-year-old man who developed empyema associated with bronchopleural fistula as a complication of a right pneumonectomy. Initial chest tube drainage and antibiotic therapy were ineffective. Five months later ingested food particles appeared in the drainage fluid. Esophagoscopy revealed an esophageal fistula of 10 mm in diameter. After nutritional support by feeding jejunostomy both BPF and EPF were repaired by subscapular muscle myoplasty and extensive thoracoplasty through a right thoracotomy. Endoscopic examination performed 1 month after surgery showed complete closure of both fistulas and 9 months after surgery the patient was eating and gaining weight. The patient's death was due to aspiration pneumonia of another origin.
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