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引用本文:彭柟,李晓辉,王瑶,潘茜,刘艳. 成都市居民膳食中铅镉暴露水平评估[J]. 中国初级卫生保健, 2014, 28(11): 86-88
作者姓名:彭柟  李晓辉  王瑶  潘茜  刘艳
作者单位:成都市疾病预防控制中心 成都610041
摘    要:目的 了解成都市居民膳食中铅、镉暴露的基础数据,评估成都市居民膳食铅、镉暴露风险.方法 对成都市市售食品中铅、镉含量进行监测,参考2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查中的成都市居民膳食摄入量,应用WHO推荐的食品中化学污染物膳食暴露评估方法,对成都市居民膳食中铅、镉暴露水平进行评估.结果 成都市居民平均每周膳食中铅暴露量为0.006 9 mg/kg BW,占暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)的27.6%;镉暴露量为0.005 1 mg/kg BW,占暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)的72.86%.结论成 都市居民膳食中镉暴露水平高于铅暴露水平,正常情况下均低于PTWI,但仍有进一步降低的必要.

关 键 词:食品      膳食摄入  膳食暴露评估  成都

Assessment on the Dietary Exposure of Lead and Cadmium in Chengdu Residents
Affiliation:PENG Nan, LI Xiao-hui, WANG Yao, et al.( Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu, 610041, China)
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To obtain the basic data of lead and cadmium exposure from food for Chengdu residents, and to estimate the health risk of dietary lead and cadmium contamination in Chengdu. METHODS Chengdu commercial levels of lead, cadmium content monitoring, reference 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey in Chengdu, dietary intake, WHO recommended the appli- cation of chemical contaminants in food dietary exposure assessment methods, Chengdu dietary levels of lead, cadmium exposure levels evaluated. RESULTS Chengdu residents average weekly dietary exposured to lead 0.006 9 mg/kg BW, accounting for provisional tolerable weekly intake(PTWI)of 27.6%; cadmium exposure was 0.005 1 mg/kg BW, accounting for provisional tolerable weekly intake(PTWI) of 72.86%. CONCLUSION Chengdu dietary cadmium exposure levels above the level of lead exposure, under normal circumstances, are lower than PTWI, but there was still further reduced if necessary.
Keywords:food  lead  cadmium  dietary intake  dietary exposure assessment  Chengdu
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