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引用本文:王岐英. 妇科腹部手术后留置尿管拔除时间的研究[J]. 护士进修杂志, 1998, 0(12)
摘    要:本文作者对102例妇科腹部一般手术病人.术前尿培养阴性作为研究对象,采取随机抽样法抽取52例术后6h拔除尿管作为试验组;另外抽取50例术后24h拔除尿管作为对照组。结果,两组病人拔除尿管后尿培养对照组有1例为阳性,其余均为阴性;拔除尿管后自行排尿情况对比,术后6h停止留置尿管自行排尿成功率为98%。说明,术后6h停止留置尿管是可行的。对于防止泌尿道感染及病人早下床活动是有利的。

关 键 词:尿管留置  妇科手术  下腹部

Study of Indwelling Catheter Period after Gynecologic Abdomen Operation
Wang Qiying. Study of Indwelling Catheter Period after Gynecologic Abdomen Operation[J]. Journal of Nurses Training, 1998, 0(12)
Authors:Wang Qiying
Affiliation:Second Affliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University 210010
Abstract:102 cases pre-operative urine samples were collected from patients of gynecologic abdomen operation and the urineculture of bacteria were tested. 52 cases sample of random sampling from 6h to take out catheters of post-operative as test group. Theothers 50 samples of 24h totake out catheter for control group. The results shown that each group has only one urine sample was posi tive by culture of bacteria, the rest were negative. Compare with two group of oneself urinate after take out catheter that successful ratewas 98% in 6h after operation. The results indicate that the 6h of opst-operative to take out catheter was feasible and useful to prevent urologic infection.
Keywords:Indwelling catheter  Gynecologic operation  Abdomen  
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