Abstract: | Suppurative cholangitis (SC) and bilirubincholangiolithiasis (BC) are twin diseases of the sameetiology and one of the most serious epidemicdiseases in China. It seems that the biliary stasisand infection of enterogenous bacteria are two ofthe most important pathogenic factors in thesediseases. This paper presents the successful produc-tion of the model of SC and BC by mimicking thesetwo factors. The model is based on a thoroughknowledge of the anatomy of the experimental animal's hepatobiliary system and an appropriatedesign of the experimental operative procedures formaking partial obstruction and bacterial contamination in a part of the biliary tree. In the anticipatoryexperiment typical pathological changes of suppura-tive cholangitis were displayed in all the involvedhepatobiliary system of the survival rabbits, andbilirubin gallstones appeared in the gallbladders andthe extra and intrahepatic bile ducts of more than80TO of the rabbits. In the repetitive all the survivals suffered from cholangitis and bilirubin gallstones. In the comparative tests, the animals, thatonly had operative trauma, bacterial contaminationor partial or complete obstruction in their biliarytrees, did not demonstrate simultaneous pathologicalchanges of SC and BC. In this paper, the currentsituation of the animal models of gallstone formation, the basis and essentials of making models, and |