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Prediction of Stable High Blood Pressure in Adolescents
Abstract:We studied the relative importance of the initial BP and associated factors in adolescents to predict stable high BP. Out of 17.634 children aged 12-13 yrs an upper group the upper 5% of the distribution curves for both SBP and DBP/ a lower group/10% random from the remainder/were yearly fallowed for 4 yrs/boys: 1680, girls: 1643/. About 2/3 of children remained at the same percentile point: < 30% and ≥ 70% of SBP and half of them of DBP distribution. Significant positive tracking correlations were found both for SBP and DBP between the initial BP and follow-up BP readings in the same individual. Stepwise regression analysis showed that the SBP taken at the fourth follow-up can be explained by 29% in boys, 24% in girls on the basis of screening SBP and by 47% in boys, 42% in girls on the basis of SBP measured at the four previous examinations. Using discriminant analysis, 6-9 variables out of 18 studied could correctly allocate adolescents with stable SBP or DBP/< 70% or ≥70% at least 3 examinations/. Our study shows the importance of initial BP and a number of factors associated with stable high BP.
Keywords:Value of initial blood pressure  Associated factors  Stable high blood pressure in adolescents
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